英语人>词典>英汉 : nautical mile的中文,翻译,解释,例句,同义词
nautical mile的中文,翻译,解释,例句,同义词

nautical mile

nautical mile的基本解释


nautical mile的同义词
n. mi · mile · naut mi
nautical mile所属的单词分类
Boat / 船 [216]

ski boat · shrimp boat · jet boat · drydock · cruise ship · boat lift · amphibious vehicle · PFD · PT boat · motor launch

Measure / 测量 [155]

square centimeter · picometer · picoliter · megapixel · cubic inch · cubic centimeter · cord foot · square yard · cubic meter · nanometer

更多网络例句与nautical mile相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I like to be The wave of the nautical mile, cloud in the breeze, But I return just very small I.


The knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour.


This example demonstrates the implementation of two non-SI units of length, the nautical mile


Also can throw you again into the nautical mile.


NAUTICAL MILE, A distance equivalent to 6076.1 feet or 1852 meters.

海里, 相当于 6076英尺或 1852米的距离单位。

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更多网络解释与nautical mile相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

nautical mile:海里

一个需要异构单位的实际例子就是,航空中的经验等式:H = (r/C)^2 其中H是雷达截面高度(radar beam height) ,单位是英尺(foot),r是雷达范围(radar range),单位是海里(nautical mile).

nautical mile:浬,海里

炉,烤炉 oven | 浬,海里 nautical mile | 锤,铆头 hammer

nautical mile:涅

nature 性质 | nautical mile 涅 | naval brass 海黄铜

nautical mile:海里海里

nautical mile 海里term航海术语 | nautical mile 海里海里 | nautical navigation 航海学


ndw net deadweight 净载重量 | nm nautical mile 海里 | n?o?e not otherwise enumerated 未列名

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