英语人>词典>英汉 : natural的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,反义词,拼写相似词汇

natural ['nætʃərəl]

形容词比较级:[more natural]  形容词最高级:[most natural]  

自然的, 正常的, 自然界的, 本能的, 天然的, 物质的, 天生的

  • A small child's behavior is usually natural.
  • 小孩儿的举止一般是不做作的。
  • We visited a museum of natural history.
  • 我们参观了一个自然博物馆。
  • Try to look natural for your photograph.
  • 拍照要尽量显得自然一些。
  • It is natural for a cat to catch mice.
  • 猫捉老鼠是本能。
  • Coal and oil are natural products.
  • 煤和石油是天然物产。

白痴, 天生的白痴

adj. normal · true · typical · characteristic · real · pure · legitimate · original · genuine · honest · authentic
adj. artificial · unnatural
Musical Theory / 乐理 [176]

ritard  ·  minor third  ·  melodic minor  ·  harmonic minor  ·  harmonic major  ·  whole tone scale  ·  whole rest  ·  tenuto  ·  subito  ·  sempre

Personal Qualities / 个人品质 [393]

above average  ·  well-respected  ·  short-tempered  ·  drugged  ·  cool  ·  dextrous  ·  crabby  ·  zealous  ·  wonderful  ·  willing

Positive / 肯定语 [266]

nurturing  ·  motivating  ·  energized  ·  electrifying  ·  wow  ·  cool  ·  transforming  ·  endorsed  ·  zealous  ·  zeal

更多 网络例句 与natural相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cultivated land quality was assessed by BP neural network in Dazu County, Chongqing. The assessment results showed that paddy lands were mainly of the second-grade and third-grade, while dry lands were mainly of the first-grade and second-grade. It illustrated the high natural quality of the cultivated land, but the natural quality only reflected land natural characteristics. Therefore, influence coefficient was used to modify natural quality index based on the investigation to households. At the same time, by using the household income as the value of cultivated land, the impact of natural quality and investment structure on the value were further discussed. The results showed that trinomial equation and binomial equation were fitted to reflect the relationship between natural quality and income.


Based on natural gas state equation and dynamic theory of natural gas migration, natural gas velocity of flow rate equation before and after temperature and pressure decreasing is fetched, and with which interface natural gas lengths in different reservoirs are calculated and the changing law of equivalent-length natural gas in migration is analyzed, whence it is discovered that migrating velocity of natural gas along tilting up reservoir is increasing inch by inch, along with temperature and pressure continuously decreasing.


As a part of enlightening culture, the enlightening literature is definitely a window that publicizes the logos spirit, however, literature is different from philosophy, literature is the artistic transexpression of the Zeitgeist, but not the direct expression of the rational principles, in the eighteenth century the thought of natural logos brought the production of the free humanity of literature, Faust pursues and explores forward constantly, which stands for the permanent"human"spirit, it means the human's release and rein on the atman, it is the natural situation after breaking the fetters, and it is the revertion of the human natural inbeing; Naive man is the unit that has not been touched by"civilization", it is the origianl nature of human beings, during the conflict and collision of these two different cultures--"nature"and"civilization", it holds the independent free spirit homestead; emotion is natural, when the society made it institutionalized, it is catabolized, Lockersha Na heard the voice of heart under the system of plural marriage, she released the human natural emotion, reverted the natural humanity; under the"civilization", individuality is deprived,"civilization"becomes the contrary of civilization, Rameau's nephew championed the individual existence and freedom in the period of losing"self", it stands for the"self"shaping in the independent pose.


更多网络解释 与natural相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"论和以散和为上,按和为次"则强调"和"是"不加雕琢的"(plain)、" 自然 的"(natural). "弦与指和、指与音和、音与意和"则说明"和"应是"有节制的"(controlled). "音从意转,意先乎音,音随乎意"则强调"意念"(idea)与"弹奏&quot




) 自然色(natural) 透明略偏黄色调(适合所有肌肤,自然效果)由天然米粉制成,对皮肤无刺激,敏感肤质都可放心使用. 超强吸油,制造雾面妆效,遮盖皮肤瑕疵,同时保持肌肤嫩滑,清透自然底妆完美一整天哦. 适合任何肤质.


美国食品公司厂商均倾向发展"自然"(natural)禽肉. 泰森食品公司(Tyson foods)推出三种新的食品产品, 其中包括"100%天然"醋渍鸡胸脯; 桑德生鸡厂公司(Sanderson Farms Inc. ) 再次确认, 该公司长期以来一直承诺销售自然鸡肉,

Natural resources:自然资源

地球资源 地球资源指的是:地球能提供给人类衣、食、住、行、医所需要的物质原料,也称为"自然资源"(Natural Resources). 陆地上重要的自然资源有六种,它们是:1)淡水、2)森林、3)土地、4)生物种类、5)矿山、和6)化石燃料(煤炭、石油和天然气) 地球上的自然资源分为"可再生"与"不可再生"两大类

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