英语人>词典>英汉 : nasus的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

nasus ['neisəs]


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Methods: 105 cases with severe OSAHS were diagnosed by polysomnography, and they all had nasus abnormality and pharynx stenosis.

经多导睡眠监测确诊为重度OSAHS 105例,均有咽部狭窄和鼻部异常。

A total of 104 individuals of Coilia nasus were collected from the Yangtze River and artificial pond from 2006 to 2008.Comparative observation of the gonads development was conducted.


Objective: To investigate feasibility of the nasus and pharynx simultaneous operation for severe obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrom patients.


Objective To present the pattern of lateral nasus objectively and realistically, and to provide the surgeons in their design of plastic surgery and relative research with the helpful direction and reference.

目的 为了客观、真实地反映鼻尖侧方形态,以便为整形美容外科手术设计及相关研究提供指导与参考。方法采用鼻尖圆弧弦为参考线,并重新定义了鼻尖角、鼻小柱角、鼻唇角的概念。

With Protosalanx hyalocranius,Coilia nasus and Salangichthys tangkahkeii as test objects,a food web model of main economic fishes in Taihu Lake was established,with which,the distribution characteristics of DDT in the benthos,zooplankton and fishes of the food web were studied by Monte Carlo simulation method,and one-hit model was used to approach the ecological risk of the DDT distribution.


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更多网络解释与nasus相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


一.鼻鼻(Nasus) 包括鼻腔和鼻旁窦. 鼻腔(Cavumnasi)是呼吸道的起始部,前端有鼻孔,后端有鼻后孔通咽,鼻腔正中有鼻中隔将其分为左、右两个腔. 每个鼻腔均包括鼻孔、鼻前庭和固有鼻腔3部分. 1. 鼻孔 鼻孔(Nares)为鼻腔的人口,


堕落天使Morgana | 沙之馆长Nasus | 穿山铁甲Rammus

nasus:沙王 馆长 狗头 法老

Morgana 堕落 酱油女 | Nasus 沙王 馆长 狗头 法老 | Nidalee 豹女 猫女 御姐 新英雄


志标的誉荣;环花;冠王腊希einahpetS | 合百小朵一来伯希nasuS | 花合百来伯希annasuS

nasus externus:外鼻

颧神经 N. zygomaticus | 鼻 Nasus | 外鼻 Nasus externus

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