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In addition, because of the interleaving of top and bottom nappes, there is no bump in the air, the finite width of spillways can be fully utilized, and flood discharging atomization caused by bump of nappes can be weakened.


There are Hannan block in the northwest and Huangling block in the east. Its extended direction is east-northeast in the northwest area, east-west in the middle area and east-northeast in the southeast area,being a southwestward arc made up of many thrust nappes.


In short,Daba mountain arcual thrust nappes have different cause of formation and complex tectonics of various period.


Therefore, above-mentioned age dating together with previous chronologic data led us to conclude that the Sulu HP-UHP nappes have two basements: the Early-Middle Protrozoic (≥2400 Ma) basement in the N. Sulu and the Neoprotrozoic (700-800 Ma) basement in the S. Sulu. The basement ages in the N. Sulu together with its western part of the no-UHP metamorphic area (Laiyang-Penglai) are similar and named by the Jiao-Liao-Korea block belong to the NCP. Besides, the boundary between both of the S. Sulu UHP area and JLKB is along north Wulian and south Haiyangsuo.

北苏鲁超高压变质地区的花岗质片麻岩锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年表明,变质基底的年龄是2400Ma(或>2400Ma),并经历了1800~1700Ma和~200Ma的变质事件,研究表明苏鲁高压-超高压变质地体由2个不同时代变质基底组成,北苏鲁的变质基底属于北中国板块胶辽朝地块的一部分,形成时代比南苏鲁基底老得多,其与南苏鲁地块之间的界限位于五莲以北到海阳所以南一线。

But there were no available method to calculate the nappes of these twokind of bucket so far. Seeking this method is the main purpose of this thesis.


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10.LES NAPPES MAUVES DE 淡紫的海 56 | 11.HARMONY 和諧 20 | 12.THE WAY I LOVED YOU 愛你的方式 31

convolute of two nappes:双叶盘旋面

"盘旋面","convolute" | "双叶盘旋面","convolute of two nappes" | "盘旋面","convolute surface"

Et des nappes en couleurs:和几张花桌布

Je t'offrirai des fleurs我要给你送去花朵 | Et des nappes en couleurs和几张花桌布 | Pour ne pas qu'Octobre nous prenne为了不让十月把我们迷住

Et des nappes en couleurs:(还有些鲜艳的桌布)

Je t'offrirai des fleurs(我会送你鲜花) | Et des nappes en couleurs(还有些鲜艳的桌布) | Pour ne pas qu'Octobre nous prenne(盖过十月的沧桑)

Et des nappes en couleurs:多彩的餐桌布

Je t'offrirai des fleurs 我将向你献花 | Et des nappes en couleurs 多彩的餐桌布 | Pour ne pas qu'Octobre nous prenne 十月将不会抓住我们

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