multiple ['mʌltipl]
- multiple的基本解释
多样的, 多重的
- We use the hall for multiple purposes.
- 这个大厅我们派多种用途。
倍数, 并联
- 3x4=12, so 12 is a multiple of 3.
- 3乘以4等于12,所以12是3的倍数。
- 相似词
- 拼写相近单词
- multiplane
- multiplatform
- multiplepoinding
- multiples
- multiplet
- multiplets
- multiplex
- multiplexed
- multiplexer
- multiplexers
- 更多 网络例句 与multiple相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
A multi-channel representation of the input image was obtained by a bank of Gabor filters, corresponding to multiple scales and multiple orientations. Full-wave rectification of each channel and contrast gain control among the channels were performed sequentially to get orientation feature maps with multiple scales and multiple orientations.
In real flight, multiple sensors of aircraft engine control system may fault at a time. In order to solve this problem, a revised multiple-failure-hypothesis based testing is investigated. This approach uses multiple Kalman filters, and each of Kalman filter is designed based on a specific hypothesis for detecting specific sensors fault, and then uses WSSR (Weighted Sum of Squared Residual) to deal with Kalman filter residuals, and residual signals are compared with threshold in order to make fault detection decisions. The simulation results show that the proposed method can be used to detect multiple sensors soft failures fast and accurately.
The distribution was different in various multiple cavitary lung diseases.Local multiple onset was particularly prevalent in cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis,scattered multiple onset was particularly prevalent in various infected cavitary lung diseases,diffuse multiple onset was particularly seen in cavitary pulmonary metastases.
- 更多网络解释 与multiple相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
四,以自己资金之百倍、千倍之倍数(multiple)资金流动的"倍数经济"空间. 在这块看不见的大陆上所发生所有现象,都是由这四个空间所交织的复杂关系所产生的. 在这个新世界里,旧世界的总体经济学完全不适用,既有的企业经营手法也已经不管用.
当有着多个的(multiple)传递信托时,可能会有一个从属化代理人,它将回收所述证券的应付款,然后按事先商定的顺序向各种传递信托分配. 该顺序将根据在所述证券中是否有违约而可能改变. 在适当的情况下,
在系统的可管理性上,多重(multiple)配置和无数(countless)配置有着很大不同. 诀窍在于要把您的设置划分为可以管理的小部分. 您会发现有些本地化的部分适用于所有被管主机,而有些部分则只适用于几台主机,而剩下的一些部分专门针对个别机器.
但是,除业主专有车位以外,为满足访客的临时停车需要,小区内通常也建有小型的公共停车场,其中的停车位是以多数的(Multiple)形式表现出来的,即为本文所要讨论的多数停车位(Multiple parking spaces).
multiple correlation:多重相关
) 第八节多重相关(Multiple Correlation) 第九节SPSS中相关系数的统计分析过程 心理与社会研究统计方法 一、皮尔逊积差相关和斯皮尔曼等级相关系数的统计分析过程 二、偏相关分析(Par"tial Correlation) 第四章概率与概率分布 (Probability and Probability Distribution) 第一节随机事件和概率 第二节概率定理 一、随
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