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mother cell的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

mother cell

mother cell的基本解释


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The most esteemed among the vocal mothers were Mother Sainte-Honorine; the treasurer, Mother Sainte-Gertrude, the chief mistress of the novices; Mother-Saint-Ange, the assistant mistress; Mother Annonciation, the sacristan; Mother Saint-Augustin, the nurse, the ssbbww.com one in the convent who was malicious; then Mother Sainte-Mechtilde, very young with a beautiful voice; Mother des Anges, who had been in the convent of the Filles-Dieu, in the convent du Tresor, between Gisors Magny; Mother Saint-Joseph, Mother Sainte-Adelaide (Mademoiselle d'Auverney), Mother Misericorde (Mademoiselle de Cifuentes, who could not resist austerities), Mother Compassion (Mademoiselle de la Miltiere, received at the age of sixty in defiance of the rule, very wealthy); Mother Providence, Mother Presentation, who was prioress in 1847; finally, Mother Sainte-Celigne (sister of the sculptor Ceracchi), who went mad; Mother Sainte-Chantal, who went mad.


The most esteemed among the vocal mothers were Mother Sainte-Honorine; the treasurer, Mother Sainte-Gertrude, the chief mistress of the novices; Mother-Saint-Ange, the assistant mistress; Mother Annonciation, the sacristan; Mother Saint-Augustin, the nurse, the only one in the convent who was malicious; then Mother Sainte-Mechtilde, very young and with a beautiful voice; Mother des Anges, who had been in the convent of the Filles-Dieu, and in the convent du Tresor, between Gisors and Magny; Mother Saint-Joseph, Mother Sainte-Adelaide (Mademoiselle d'Auverney), Mother Misericorde (Mademoiselle de Cifuentes, who could not resist austerities), Mother Compassion (Mademoiselle de la Miltiere, received at the age of sixty in defiance of the rule, and very wealthy); Mother Providence, Mother Presentation, who was prioress in 1847; and finally, Mother Sainte-Celigne (sister of the sculptor Ceracchi), who went mad; Mother Sainte-Chantal, who went mad.


Due to the complexity of the cell jitter, the NonSynchronous Tining Recovery methods are currently not mature With the emphasis being given to the Class A CBR traffic, this paper analyzes the performance of the queueing delay and cell jitter at the source node and intermediate nodes, and discusses the Source Timing Recovery at the destination node in ATM networks Firstly, this paper presents a description of the cell jitter of CBR traffic, and gives the definitions of two kinds of cell jitter regarding the Source Timing Recovery for CBR traffic Then, by using exact mathematical models and analysis methods, this paper analyzes the impact of the factors, such as the capacity of the queueing buffer, the randomness, the deterministic nature and the correlation in cell arrivals of the background traffic sources, on the queueing delay and cell jitter performance of the CBR traffic through Statistical Multiplexitng To obtain an insight into the power spectral distribution and look for better schemes for the depression and filtering of the cell jitter, within the analyses we succeed deriving the power spectrum of the cell jitter for CBR traffic Hence, not only the power spectral distribution of the cell jitter can in the frequency domain be qualitatively understood, but also can the rms (root-meansquare) value of the cell jitter be quantitatively obtained so as to more accurately measure the amplitude of the jitter In the end-to-end performance analysis of the queueing delay and cell jitter, we propose a kind of quasi-periodic cell stream model to characterize the jittered CBR traffic, and present an initial queueing analysis of the CBR traffic following such a model at a generic intermediate node Additionally, we briefly discuss the buildout/playout and Source Timing Recovery functions of the destination node Finally, regarding the Source Timing Recovery of CBR traffic, this paper systematically discusses several important principles of the cell jitter filtering and depression reported in the literature, introduces several implementation schemes of the Source Timing Recovery e.


更多网络解释 与mother cell相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

mother cell:母细胞

胞质分裂是在二个新的子核之间形成新细胞壁,把一个母细胞(mother cell)分隔成二个子细胞(daughter cell)的过程. 在一般情况下,核分裂和胞质分裂在时间上是紧接着的,但是在有些情况下,核分裂后不一定立即进行胞质分裂,

mother cell:母系胞,母细胞

mother bulb 母球 | mother cell 母系胞,母细胞 | mother chrysanthemum 菊花,菊花

pollen mother cell:花粉母细胞

pollen mass 花粉块 | pollen mother cell 花粉母细胞 | pollen rain 花粉雨

pollen mother cell:abbr. pmc; 代花粉母细胞

spore mother cell:孢子母细胞

基足伸入配子体的组织中吸收养料,以供孢子体的生长,故孢子体寄生于配子体上,孢蒴中含有大量孢子,产生孢子的组织称造孢组织(sporogenous tissue),造孢组织产生孢子母细胞(spore mother cell),每个孢子母细胞经过减数分裂形成4个孢子,

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