英语人>词典>英汉 : most definitely的中文,翻译,解释,例句
most definitely的中文,翻译,解释,例句

most definitely

most definitely的基本解释

明确地( definitely的最高级 ), 确切地, 一定地, 肯定地

更多网络例句与most definitely相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I think that the U.S. State City was most concerned about is definitely worth.


And in this case the emotions are most definitely fun and excitement.


This is the last part of Language Oriented Programming and definitely the most complicated.


You need to have, and mountain bike shorts are definitely the most important item among them.


Takes a very special group of people. And that we most definitely have.


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更多网络解释与most definitely相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most definitely:一定的

Perhaps some time soon though?|希望不必等太久 | Most definitely.|一定的 | - D'you mean we shall both be drowned? - Look how the water is rising.|- 你是说我们都会淹死 - 你看水涨得好快

Most definitely:一点也没错

The life? Yeah|这种生活? 对呀 | Most definitely|一点也没错 | What you going to do, then?|那你打算做什么?

Most definitely:绝对多数

they've come to do?他们来做什么? | Most definitely.绝对多数. | And is she eager而她渴望

There is most definitely a message here:这里是有个信号

to give them an answer to their bloody message.|要是有机会亲自给他们这... | There is most definitely a message here.|这里是有个信号. | - You're right about that. - And what am I wrong about?|- 这一点上你...

Oh, I most definitely will marry you:哦 我多想嫁给你啊

Yes!|愿意! | Oh, I most definitely will marry you!|哦 我多想嫁给你啊! | Oh, there's so much to plan!|哦 有太多需要准备的!

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