英语人>词典>英汉 : morenosite的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

morenosite [mə'renə,sait]



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The first part mainly introduces the Zuotou Graves. Here the graves situation has not been presented in a simply enumerative way, but on the basis of excavated instance of belthooks, the graves with funerary objects are divided into 3 classes: the Graves with belthooks as only funerary objects, the Graves with belthooks included in funerary objects and the Graves without belthooks as funerary objects. This effort offers convenience to the further research on belthooks.


In Han Dynasty people attached importance to inhumation as a custom. The sacrificial objects were required to be abundant and refined, and they were called funerary objects. The difference between funerary objects and altar wares was that the former ones were for deceased's use rather than for living people's use.


Also yields a leather purse,金簪Song coins, pieces of clothing and other funerary objects. 2001 and 2002 two archaeological excavations, but also in the dressing floor, and cleaning up the graves discovered around 24, two construction sites, unearthed a large number of great research value of the funerary objects and artifacts specimens.


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mordenite 发光沸石 | morenosite 碧矾 | morganite 钯柱石


鉍黝铜矿 bismuth fahlore | 碧镍矾 morenosite | 碧玄岩;试金石 basanite

morenosite; nickel vitrol:碧矾

丝光沸石 mordenite | 碧矾 morenosite; nickel vitrol | 红绿柱 morganite