英语人>词典>英汉 : more acceptable的中文,翻译,解释,例句
more acceptable的中文,翻译,解释,例句

more acceptable

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In any case, acceleration is more than just acceptable.


At present, seawater and seaweed therapies are ascendant, has been more and more acceptable.


In addition more acceptable to customers, commissioned the design and manufacture.


This indicates that residents purchase concept is gradually changing the concept of gradient consumption is more and more acceptable.


Imo it would be a more morally acceptable way to get rid of the money!


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更多网络解释与more acceptable相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrtfice:比献祭更蒙耶和华悦纳

3 行仁义公平,To do rightousness and justice | 比献祭更蒙耶和华悦纳. is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrtfice. | 4 恶人发达,眼高心傲. Haughty eyes and a proud heart--

Intelligence is cheaper. Faster and more effective and far more socially acceptable:比起直接军事干涉, 智能化更便宜、快速

(Albert) Terrorism cannot be fought in open ... | Intelligence is cheaper. Faster and more effective and far more socially acceptable|比起直接军事干涉, 智能化更便宜、快速、 | than direct military interve...