英语人>词典>英汉 : monomaniac的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

monomaniac [,mɔnəu'meiniæk]


偏执狂者, 对一事热狂的人

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The monomaniac is unbalanced in just one area on everything else except his own pet and particular delusion he may be completely normal.


Am I never to get any nearer to the truth; but am I to be tormented all my life by vague doubts, and wretched suspicions, which may grow upon me till I become a monomaniac?


It also has been proven in multiples of studies that people who are fascinated and monomaniac with a hobby are much able and strengthened to cope with life changes and vicissitudes more than those who indulge themselves and throw themselves about in just one monotonous boor job.


F you are seeking more than just a job and salary; if you are the startup dream, teaming up with great guys in a software monomaniac team; if you really are a knowledge hero of new era…then do not hesitate sending us your full resumes and contact details to us.


Is Sir Richard Branson, with that permanently fixed smile, a naturally happy man, or a ruthless monomaniac, whose stock in trade is the projection of infectious enthusiasm?

带着永恒微笑的Richard Branson爵士是一个天生快乐的人,还是一个无情的偏执狂——他用来交易的货物是有热情感染力的表情?

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更多网络解释与monomaniac相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


monomania 偏执狂 | monomaniac 偏狂者 | monomolecular reaction 单分子反应


对一事狂热的人monomaniacal | 对一事热狂的人monomaniac | 对乙酰氨基酚paracetamol


morphinomaniac 有吗啡瘾者 | monomaniac 偏癖者 | dipsomaniac 嗜酒狂人


monomania 对一事的热狂,偏执狂 | monomaniac 对一事热狂的人,偏执狂者 | megalomania 自大狂

Vitzthum the Monomaniac:偏執狂維茲漢

Vistermark 維斯特瑪 | Vitzthum the Monomaniac 偏執狂維茲漢 | V'kyr the Festering 爛瘡魔弗其爾