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The isopiestic molalities and water activities have been determined for the systems Li_2SO_4-H_2O and Li_2B_4O_7-H_2O at 273.15K in the ion strength ranges of 0.6063~ 1.7640 mol · kg~(-1),and 0.1069—0.6478 mol· kg~(-1) respectively and for the systems Li_2SO_4-H_2O, Li_2B_4O_7-H_2O and Li_2SO_4-Li_2B_4O_7-H_2O at 298.15K in the ion strength ranges of 0.3577—5.6378 mol·kg~(-1), 0.1747—2.4497 mol·kg~(-1), 0.2394—5.5399 mol · kg~(-1) respectively by the isopiestic method using an improved equipment.
The osmotic coefficients and saturated vapor pressures have been calculated at the different temperatures .The experimental values of the osmotic coefficients for the Li_2SO_4-H_2O system were consistent with the values in the references. The results revealed the rules of the changing in osmotic coefficients and saturated vapor pressures with ion strengths and the molality fractions of Li_2B_4O_7 at different temperatures. The isopiestic equilibrium molalities were correlated by using the modified and the extended Zdanovskii rules for non-ideal mixtures, and obey well the Zdanovskii rules. The ion interaction parameters of Pitzer model have been determined by using the two methods for Li_2SO_4-Li_2B_4O_7-H_2O at 298.15K system.
The equilibrium molalities of ReO4(superscript -) were measured at ionic strengths from 0.1 to 2.0 molkg^(-1) in the aqueous phase and at constant initial molality of extractant in the organic phase at temperatures from 278.15 to
在N235+(NH4)ReO4+n-C7H16+HCl+H2O体系中,在温度278.15~303.15 K和离子强度0.1~2.0 molkg^(-1)范围内,以NH4Cl为支持电解质,在HCl体系中测定了萃取平衡水相中ReO4浓度和pH值。