英语人>词典>英汉 : miscarriage of justice的中文,翻译,解释,例句
miscarriage of justice的中文,翻译,解释,例句

miscarriage of justice

miscarriage of justice的基本解释

审判不公, 误判

更多网络例句与miscarriage of justice相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

More importantly, the mainstream capital markets would be miscarriage of justice.


His whole life was ruined by a miscarriage of justice .


Paragraph 6 secures a substantive right to compensation in cases of miscarriage of justice in criminal cases.


Perhaps," he mused,"These bees are here to prevent a miscarriage of justice.


Indeed, the social status of a company constant by market miscarriage of justice.


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更多网络解释与miscarriage of justice相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

miscarriage of justice:审判不公

更重要的是,苏莱曼认为,在此事中并不存有审判不公(miscarriage of justice)的情况. 控方的权利并没有因为地庭法官的裁决而被剥夺. 此外,就算控方不认同地庭法官的裁决,并不意味着出现不公正的情况. 地庭法官柯玛迪(S M Komathy Suppiah)去年11月裁决,

miscarriage of justice:误判

在英国法中,上诉程序所针对的是尚未发生法律效力的法院判决,而非常救济程序则以纠正司法误判(miscarriage of justice)为目的,着眼于对那些已经发生法律效力的裁判的重新审查.

miscarriage of justice:审判不当,误判

to pronounce sentence 宣判 | miscarriage of justice 审判不当,误判 | sentence 宣判,判决

miscarriage of justice:审判不公,误判

manslaughter n .杀人,一般杀人罪 | miscarriage of justice 审判不公,误判 | monster n .怪物,妖怪

a miscarriage of justice:误 判(案) 审判 不公(案)

a minion of fortune | 命运的宠儿 | a miscarriage of justice | 误 判(案) 审判 不公(案) | A miss is as good as a mile | 失之毫厘,谬以千里

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