英语人>词典>英汉 : minuses的中文,翻译,解释,例句



减号( minus的名词复数 ), 负号, 不利, 不足

更多网络例句与minuses相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What are the pluses and minuses would you think of Abdullah Badawi's administration and government governance?


It's hard to pick the best one, as they all have pluses and minuses.


We all have our pluses and minuses.


However, there are still more remote PC support programs that have their plus and minuses.


So there have been a few minuses.


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更多网络解释与minuses相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pluses and minuses of combustion:(正负燃烧)

22.4 The Alkanes(烷烃) | 22.5 Pluses and minuses of combustion(正负燃烧) | 22.6 Bonding in Alkenes(烯烃里的化学键)

lt has its pluses and minuses:有好也有坏

Just that, well, you know.|只是,唔...你知道. | lt has its pluses and minuses.|有好也有坏. | Yes? And what are the drawbacks?|是吗?不好在什么地方呢?

We all have our pluses and minuses:我们每个人都有长短处

It's never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,尚时未晚. | We all have our pluses and minuses.我们每个人都有长短处. | I get by. 我还过得去.

18.We all have our pluses and minuses:18.每个人都有他的长处 和短处

[10:49.47]17.We all have our good points. ;17.每一个人都有可取之 处. | [10:52.52]18.We all have our pluses and minuses. ;18.每个人都有他的长处 和短处. | [10:58.77]66.To Reject Sympathy 拒绝同情 ;

MINUSES:The rotation is not completely flat:缺点:平转没有完全地水平

PLUSES:The entrance is good 优点:动作启动点正确. | MINUSES:The rotation is not completely flat, 缺点:平转没有完全地水平 | the kite does not rotate a full 540,and the 风筝没有完全转满540度

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