mint [mint]
- mint的基本解释
薄荷, 造币厂, 巨额
- The Mint has decided to issue the coins next year.
- 这家造币厂已决定明年发行硬币。
- Father left him a mint of money.
- 父亲留给他一大笔钱。
铸造, 铸币, 制造
- It is newly minted jargon.
- 这是新造的行话。
- These coins were minted in China hundreds of years ago.
- 这些钱币数百年前铸造于中国。
- 相似词
- 相关歌词
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- mint所属的单词分类
Food & Eating / 食物与饮食
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- 更多 网络例句 与mint相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Samosas (deep fried dumplings filled with curried peas potatoes) make nice appetizers, and are generally served with several dips, one of which is mint-sweet-spicy-sour in taste (made of a combination of mint, plum sauce, chili and yogurt), and the other is sweet and hot.
Additional, because field mint has a kind of distinctive scent, take mint tea gargle or drinkable, can age not only buccal take sweet, note pure and fresh, still can eliminate gum gall.
Scheduled series 3.5g * 10 bags / boxes (see, smell, taste delicious Unable) Mikania refreshing mint tea Featured upper natural green tea into the cup and mint, clean and delicious, you bring involves natural vitality.
花茶系列 3.5g*10袋/盒(看得见,闻得到,尝可口,放不下)甘菊薄荷提神茶精选上等绿茶融入天然甘菊和薄荷,清澈可口,带给你神清气爽自然活力。
- 更多网络解释 与mint相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
真正的"薄荷"(Mint)是泛指唇形花科(Labiatae)薄荷属(Mentha sp)的植物在分类学上有15个种,但是经过自然及人工杂交及爱好者的栽培选拔,在园艺栽培上已经超过600个品种,因为种与种之间很容易杂交,所以每一位栽培者只要多用心观察都会在花园里发现新品种,
颜色 薄荷色(Mint)|乳白色(ivory)尺码:小码|中码颜色:薄荷色(Mint)|乳白色(ivory)面料:毛织混纺尺码小码:总长:33cm 腰围:32cm 臀围:41cm 中码:总长:33cm 腰围:34cm 臀围:43cm
材料:培根 洋菇 香菜梗 柠檬 白酒 大蒜 巴西里(parsley)帕尔玛干酪盐 胡椒 橄榄油 spaghetti材料: 得来不易的小羊排 橄榄油 香草籽(vanilla) 香菜籽(Coriandrum seeds) 茴香籽(fennel seeds)孜然(Cumin) 薄荷叶(mint)月桂叶(bay l
Mint:abbr. methylated in tumor; 个肿瘤甲基化
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