英语人>词典>英汉 : millets的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇



黍( millet的名词复数 ), 小米, 小米饼, 小米粥

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Oneiromancy, brewing, lustration, getting millets, array, seeding, to pray for rain, and benison…etc. are part of the seeding festival. During the process, we could feel the willing for the Tsou's.


At 8 weeks, the liver in the experimental group developed purple, seems wrapping with millets. Pathological sections showed punctiform or lamellar cellular necrosis, inflammatory cell infiltration around liver canaliculus, displaying early symptoms of liver fibrosis. At 12 weeks, the liver looks gray, seems wrapping with many types of millet.


Unpolished rice, oats and other kinds of millets are considered to be the basis of a balanced diet.


But what stirs their enthusiasm is not the metaphysical problem; it is the conviction that what they believe is the faith of their fathers, the heroes of their "nation" who were persecuted by the other millets , as they are day-to-day (for there everyone thinks that everyone else persecutes his religion).


In order to study the quality properties quickly test method of broom corn millet, this test used near infrared spectral analysis technology to determine the content of thick albumen of 73 broom corn millets.


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African Cooperative Programme for the Improvement of Sorghums and Millets:非洲改良高粱和黍谷合作计划

Afghanistan Rehabilitation Steering Committee;阿富汗恢复工作指导委员... | African Cooperative Programme for the Improvement of Sorghums and Millets;非洲改良高粱和黍谷合作计划;; | AFIGBO, A.E.;阿菲格博;...