middle class
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The first part, premising the organization, limits concept and establishes the theory basis of the moral education class ;The second part, which tries to find how to plan the moral education class, mainly discusses about how to set the aim, how to select the content and how to choose the theme of the middle school's moral education class;The third part, trying to find how to carry out the moral education class, mainly deals with the general mode of moral education class and the effective implementation method of the middle school's moral education class and the successful moral education subject activity class that must be persisted;The fourth part discusses about how to manage and appraise the middle school's moral education class.
For better understanding life state of middle class, according to ""Quality of Life of Urban Residents"" I have drawn the middle class' relevant data from it, has analyzed the life state of the Chinese middle class with the figure, and has introduced the characteristic of the Chinese middle class simply.
No person shall bring a putative or certified class action to arbitration, nor seek to enforce any predispute arbitration agreement against any person who has initiated in court a putative class action; or who is a member of a putative class who has not opted out of the class with respect to any claims encompassed by the putative class action until: the class certification is denied; or the class is decertified; or the customer is excluded from the class by the court.
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middle class:中产阶级
"中产阶级"(Middle Class)是现代社会学家在进行社会分层研究中常常使用的概念,意指介于工人阶级与资产阶级之间的一个中间阶级. 构成这一阶级的成员较为广泛,有管理人员、技术人员、知识分子等等. 尽管"中产阶级"这一概念在内涵与外延上还需作进一步理论探讨,
middle class:中层阶级
在工商业社会里,一般人民知识水准较农业社会里高,这样,才产生了民主思想与民主政治. 英美式的民主,是中层阶级(Middle Class)自己管理众人的事;苏联式的民主,是要做到劳动大众自己管理自己的事,这都与向统治阶级求情的"民本"思想不同.
middle class:中等阶级
直到19世纪,在德语中缺一个可与英语中"中等阶级"(middle class )相对应的词汇,德语Bildungs und Besitzbuergertum所指与英法"中等阶级"的内涵有很大差别,它首先指受教育,其次才指财产;它的社会指称是非常狭窄的一个阶层.
middle class:中产
所谓"中产"(MIDDLE CLASS)是个洋概念,通常翻译成"中产阶级". 最初,中产阶级是指介于贵族与平民之间的欧洲新生的资产阶级,所以旧时也有译成"中间等级"的. 后来,美国人借用这个词,泛指中等收入者,并自称美国就是一个中产阶级社会.
The middle class:中产阶级
例如,"中产阶级"(the middle class)和"资产阶级"(the bourgeoisie)好像指的同一样东西,但实际上它们的内涵可以有巨大的差别. 学者用它们中的哪一个?为什么他们会作这样的选择?这并不是无关紧要的问题. 这里女权主义政治学家的努力值得我们借鉴.
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