英语人>词典>英汉 : methane的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

methane ['meθein]


甲烷, 沼气

Energy / 能量 [159]

wind turbine  ·  wind farm  ·  wave power  ·  tidal power  ·  power lines  ·  magnetic energy  ·  jet fuel  ·  internal combustion engine  ·  greenhouse gas  ·  green energy

更多 网络例句 与methane相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methane adsorbed on the Mn〓O〓-Na〓WO〓/SiO〓 catalyst can not be found, but it can be adsorbed on outgassed silica at 173K. Such adsorption is formed by interaction of the adsorbed methane with O〓〓 sites and hydroxyls on the surface. The appearance of the band at 2904cm〓 of the V〓 mode (sym. stretch.), which is an infrared forbidden vibration, implies that the Td symmetry of the methane molecule may be distorted somewhat on the surface of silica. The small frequency shift (30cm〓) of OH stretching indicates that only a weak hydrogen-bonding interaction between adsorbed methane and hydroxyls exists in the methane adsorption.


The study of methane-accumulation prevention and methane drainage theory and technology is the key for solving the problem of mine methane explosion accidents while the study of coal and methane outburst prediction together with the preventive measure sand technology is the basic guarantee to the controlling of coal and methane outbursts.


Methane chloridate , general name of monochloro methane , dichloro methane , trifluoro methane and tetra chloromethane mainly composed of natural gas and liquefied chlorine gas , can not only be used as solvent , degreasant , decolourant , aerosol , freezing medium and detoxicator , etc .but also the raw material for the production of medicine , pesticide , organic ailicon and organ fluorine , etc.


更多网络解释 与methane相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


氢氧根(OH)增加又通过两种途径影响气候:2, 甲烷(Methane)的影响---同温层中的甲烷归纳起来起着三种作用:⑴形成OH根,在较高的同温层和散逸层中通过催化循环,诱导臭氧的破坏,但由于这些区域中的臭氧浓度是非常低的,故这种破坏作用非常有限;


然而,随着科学对另一项温室气体--沼气(Methane)的认识,减排二氧化碳就更显得微不足道. 近年来科学家才鉴定沼气的温室效果可达二氧化碳的23倍. 虽然目前在大气层中它只占所有温室气体(包括臭氧与氧化氮)的4%,但必须对升温负起90%的责任.


所以气温上升5度对全球的影响不可低估,北极冰雪覆盖的有机物有可能融化,迅速释放甲醇(methane)和二氧化碳,动物,植物以及人类都难以适应. 他为参加奥巴马政府而感到荣耀. 奥巴马政府鼓励科技创新以解决能源危机.


此种燃料是以低温、高压的方式,将环氧乙烷(EthYlene Oxide)、环氧丙烷(Propylene Oxide)、甲(Methane)、丙烷(Propane)等易挥发碳氢化合物的一种或数种,混合变成液体燃料制成.

Methane Gas:甲烷

据专家预测,未来20年,随着中国、印度等发展中国家越来越富裕,人们消费更多的鸡肉、牛肉和猪排等肉类,全球肉类消费将在现在每年2.76亿吨的基础上「大家从科学证据,和联合国报告中,都已经知道,畜牧业产生大量甲烷(methane gas)还有氧化亚氮(nitrous oxide),

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