英语人>词典>英汉 : metabolism的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

metabolism [mi'tæbəlizm]


新陈代谢, 变形

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BE a person machine body because of metabolism but creation various metabolism thing metabolism don't go out, cause'common cold', mouth cavity ulcerate, various burning disease, various wet, oil, stem skin disease, Sao Yang, ache etc. machine quality disease, these be"don't disease";Person machine body the organ have no decrepitude, but the body falsely can't go out various metabolism thing metabolism not, can also cause the paroxysm relapse and these be also"don't disease".


According to experimental results and etiopathogenisis and pathology of osteoporosis , and analyzing review investigation on hepcidin、associations of bone metabolism and iron metabolism and relations of ferri ion and calcium ion,we can make conclusions as follows: 1、We applied single manmade intervention approach to induce osteoporosis model in this study, there was no other influential factor. In the termination of test , rats bone density and bone histological anatomy indicated that osteoporosis model was creditable,meanwhile hepatic functional enzyme and hepatic microtome section demonstrated that hepatic function had noci-influence induced by medicinal herbs resource. Accordingly, we could believe that hepatic hepcidin gene expression and serum hepcidin contents can represent internal iron metabolism changes at selected test time. 2、In this investigation, different findings between test group and control group indicated that:according to changes of hepcidin gene expression measured by RT-PCR and changes of serum hepcidin contents determined by ELISA kit , there were correlations between hepcidin and rat osteoporosis model induced by retinoic acid. 3、Under the condition of this investigation,there was a interactive hypothesis as follows: Hepcidin iron metabolism←→ferriion←→calcium ion←→osteoporosis.


In stationary phase, there were 117 genes up-regulated and 109 down-regulated after transfer to 20℃. Up-regulated genes mainly included hypothetic proteins, genes involved in energetic metabolism and substance metabolism, virulence genes. Down-regulated genes mainly included hypothetic proteins, genes involved in substance metabolism and amino acid metabolism.


更多网络解释 与metabolism相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


从医学的观点来看,"新陈代谢"(metabolism)是一个范围很大的专有名词. 简单来说,新陈代谢代表人体为了维持生命和修复机能,所进行的吸收、消耗、转换能量与储存等一系列的过程,牵涉的内容广泛且复杂,而最麻烦的是,每个人的新陈代谢都不相同.


正如Bellamy Foster说那样:"马克思使用了'新陈代谢'(metabolism)一词,把劳动过程定义为'一个由人通过他的活动、调节、管理和控制来实现的人与自然之间按照理性方式进行的新陈代谢',这完全与资产阶级社会的能力无关.


他通过实验认识到酒精发酵与酵母的代谢有关,有机物的腐烂是由于活的有机体(微生物)的代谢的结果,并且首先使用"代谢作用"(metabolism)一词. 他的重大贡献是1839年发表的>. 他受植物学家施莱登的影响,


总结各国的生态工程研究, 可以看出以下10类最活跃的生态工程:围绕当前困扰城乡各级部门的环境问题、交通问题和生活质量问题,人类聚居地生态学研究逐渐聚焦在物质代谢(Metabolism )、 交通(Mobility)和城乡生态关系的维护(Maintenance)这3M目标上;

basal metabolism:基础代谢

基础代谢(Basal Metabolism)的快慢因人而异,但有些因素会影响其速度,以下是其中一些因素. 1.年龄 年轻人的基础代谢率比老年人高. 孩童期的基础代谢较快,约五岁后稍为平缓,然后在青春期又再次加速,成年后便慢漫退减,老年期的基础代谢最慢.

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