英语人>词典>英汉 : medulla oblongata的中文,翻译,解释,例句
medulla oblongata的中文,翻译,解释,例句

medulla oblongata

medulla oblongata的基本解释


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I think there is something wrong with his medulla oblongata!!


What is the function of the medulla oblongata?


Objective To study the expression change of NMDA receptor in medulla oblongata cardiovascular center of the rats after CPR.


The respiratory control center lies in the medulla oblongata, at the base of the brain.


Sixteen tumors were located in the midbrain, three in the pons, and one in the medulla oblongata.


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更多网络解释与medulla oblongata相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

medulla oblongata:延髓

1)延髓(medulla oblongata)为脊髓伸入颅腔的延续部分. 下界平齐枕骨大孔,上界邻接脑桥下缘. 延髓前面的结构与脊髓相近似,有前正中裂、前外侧沟,前正中裂两侧有纵行隆起为锥体(pyramis),是皮质下行的锥体束构成. 在延髓的下半部,锥体束形成若干小束,

medulla oblongata:延脑

将采集的牛脑组织置于10 % 中性福尔马林液固定完全后,取大脑、小脑及脑干共十个部位的脑组织,其重点部位为延脑 (medulla oblongata) 成"V"字形尖端的闩 (obex),修整为约4mm的厚度,放入脱水包埋盒中,再浸泡于98%的蚁酸中1小时 (将具感染能力的prion不活化),

medulla oblongata:延脑,延髓

medulla 髓,髓质 | medulla oblongata 延脑,延髓 | medullary sheath 髓鞘

medulla oblongata syndrome:延髓综合征

延髓空洞症 syringobulbia | 延髓综合征 medulla oblongata syndrome | 延髓束切断术 medullary tractotomy

Myelencephalon; Medulla oblongata; Bulbus:髓脑 ;延髓;球

颞极 - Polus temporalis | 髓脑 ;延髓;球 - Myelencephalon; Medulla oblongata; Bulbus | 黑质 - Substantia nigra

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