mayflower ['meiflauə]
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Flower / 花
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We didn't cook none of the pies in the wash-pan -- afraid the solder would melt; but Uncle Silas he had a noble brass warming-pan which he thought considerable of, because it belonged to one of his ancesters with a long wooden handle that come over from England with William the Conqueror in the Mayflower or one of them early ships and was hid away up garret with a lot of other old pots and things that was valuable, not on account of being any account, because they warn't, but on account of them being relicts, you know, and we snaked her out, private, and took her down there, but she failed on the first pies, because we didn't know how, but she come up smiling on the last one.
The Mayflower Compact guaranteed each group equality and joined the two groups together, all to be known as the Pilgrims.
Their ship, the Mayflower, had intended to go to Virginia, but it made its landfall far to the north.
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1620年9月6日,他们登上"五月花"(Mayflower)号货船开始航行. 110个清教徒(我们现称之为朝圣者)离开英国,于65天后抵达美国新大陆. 他们于普利茅斯登陆,即如今的曼彻斯特. 朝圣者在那里度过的第一个冬天异常困苦,他们中只有不到50个人熬过了那个冬天.
永安大饭店(台) Peace | 美华阁大饭店(台) Mayflower | 国园大饭店(台) Country Hotel
五月的季节maytime | 五月开花的草木mayflower | 五月鸟maybird
The Mayflower:五月花"号
我们全家从印第安那州出发驱车往东,游览了美国东部的许多城市和景观,其中也包括了感恩节的发源地--座落在马萨诸塞州的普利茅斯种植园(Plymouth plantation),还有那艘在1620年把第一批英国清教徒带到到美洲新大陆的"五月花号"(The Mayflower)帆船.
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