英语人>词典>英汉 : may or may not be needed的中文,翻译,解释,例句
may or may not be needed的中文,翻译,解释,例句

may or may not be needed

may or may not be needed的基本解释


更多网络例句与may or may not be needed相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When changing diaphragms in most drivers the new diaphragm may not be 100 % concentric to the old one, and the only way to align it in the magnetic gap is by removing the iron pole from the driver and loosening the screws holding the center pole piece, then and only then the diaphragm can be aligned with the center pole piece and rubbing or touching of the voice coil with the pole pieces in the gap is avoided, this may happen at certain frequencies only, producing a very harsh sound, even passing a static or a dc diaphragm test , therefore the claim that the diaphragms are replaceable in the field is not in many cases true, only when the driver has adjustable screw and dowel locating pin the alignment is possible without getting inside the driver and when alignment of the diaphragm is needed, the plate holding the pole pieces and assembly needs removal, by doing so the pole piece may be well set and aligned but the magnetic field will weaken significantly by such a procedure and solving one problem leads to another one, in this case the driver needs to be re magnetized in order to perform well.

当改变隔膜在大多数司机的新膜片不得100 %同心旧的,只有这样,才能使其在磁场的差距是通过消除铁柱从司机和松动的螺丝中心柱举行一块,然后才是膈肌可配合中心极片和摩擦或触摸的音圈与极片的差距是可以避免的,可能会遇到这种情况只有在特定的频率,产生了非常严厉的声音,甚至通过一个静态或直流隔膜测试,因此声称隔膜的更换在外地不是在许多情况下,真实的,只有当该名司机已可调螺丝和销子定位销调整是有可能没有得到内部的驱动器和调整时,膈肌是必要的,举行的板极件和大会需要搬迁,这样做极可能是一块很好设置和调整,但磁场将削弱显着这样的程序和解决的一个问题导致另一次,在这种情况下,司机必须重新磁化,以表现良好。

The optical trade offs compared to the SE are reduced eye relief from the shorter focal length eyepiece needed to produce the same magnification and higher levels of chromatic and spherical aberrations from the lower focal ratio objective (which may or may not actually be visible at 8X).


The optical trade offs compared to the SE are reduced eye relief from the shorter focal length eyepiece needed to produce the same magnification and higher levels of chromatic and spherical aberrations from the lower focal ratio objective (which may or may not actually be visible at 8X).

SE物镜焦距较长,E和E II为了紧凑而使用较短的焦距,但是就要有所牺牲。因为相同倍数需要用更短焦距的目镜,所以出瞳距离短了。