mavis ['meivis]
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I am a super Fans of Mavis too, and I also sang together but I am in a low voice because I don't want to disturb anyone who came to this concert and support Mavis.
In Mansun's Only Love Song', we get a glimpse into his life as he sees himself during the day - a vicar in appearance, but his mind is far away, dreaming of the exciting world of being a stripper -"Mavis looking sexy through her dress it shines, standing in the vestry she recites her lines" are how he views himself at that time - just reciting lines like an actor, not really meaning it, as his mind was on being Mavis, his stripper alter-ego, who really is "all things to no men" in the clubs.
在Mansun's Only Love Song'这首歌中,我们得以窥见到他的真实生活,他真实的一面----表面道貌岸然,脑子里的幻想却早已九霄云外。。去幻想那些本该不属于自己生活的东西,比如,他会想如果自己变成脱衣舞娘那样的生活会有多刺激--绚丽的灯光下的Mavis--也就是幻想中的自己,看起来是那么迷人与性感。
The whole concert was like a stage play. She talks about the time she listened to her mother singing up to her latest album. The concert starts with Mavis Fan's mother singing a jazz piece.(Her mom was also a professional singer.) She came out to the stage holding the hand of a young Mavis. Then she came out and sang many of her old favorites. Li Chuan also came out as a special guest. This certainly came as a surprise. Before she got to singing "The Present", she hadn't said a word. All she did was sing. Then she had begun cutting her hair on stage as her way of describing a new "her". Then she said she couldn't speak because she has been her old self after all this time.
整个演唱会就如一个舞台剧,是讲述她小时候听萱妈演唱开始直到最近的专辑,一开始是由萱妈演唱 jazz 歌曲,(萱妈也是一个专业的歌手),带著小时候的小晓出来,接著她便出场,一口气演译了多首她耳熟能详的旧作,中间还邀请到李泉作特别嘉宾,这也是一个惊喜,在演出到&现在&前,她是一直没有说话,只是一直唱,到后来更在台上剪发,是来形容一个新的她,跟著她便说因为她一直在演以前的自己,所以不能说话!
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> 说回正题,品味与人权一样,很难下一标准. 即使身处同一地方,品味亦大有分 别. 打个比方,有人觉得许美静(Mavis)的歌很平淡舒服,但相反有人觉得Mavis
不经不觉,范晓萱(Mavis)已经在乐坛打滚了12年,今年已是30岁. 台湾称70年代出生的人做「7年级」,但Mavis这7年级生给人的感觉却很fifty,每件事无论成功或失败,都只有一半. 一开始是立志当个创作歌手,却被当时的唱片公司福茂打造成一个少女歌手,
Mavis:梅薇思 塞尔特 如画眉鸟的歌声;快乐
Maureen 穆琳 蓋爾 小瑪麗. | Mavis 梅薇思 塞爾特 如畫眉鳥的歌聲;快樂. | Maxine 瑪可欣 拉丁 女王.
Mavis:abbr. maize virus information service; 玉米病毒情报服务处
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