marsh [mɑ:ʃ]
- marsh的基本解释
沼泽, 湿地
- When they tried to cross the marsh, their shoes sank into the soft ground.
- 当他们准备过湿地时,他们的鞋子陷进了柔软的地里。
- They made their way slowly out of the marsh.
- 他们慢慢地走出了沼泽地。
- 相似词
- marsh所属的单词分类
Landform / 地形
sea cave · oxbow lake · oceanic trench · natural arch · mid-ocean ridge · lava tube · lava dome · glacier cave · crater lake · barrier island
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On the basis of summarizing the status quotation of related researches at home and abroad, problems in related researches and studies are analyzed and the important research fields and contents in marsh sedimentology are chosen:Establishing different model of marsh sedimentation, to support marsh definition and classification from sedimentology; Advancing theory and quantification, to analyze formation process of marsh from quality to quantity methods; Applying modern sampling system and setting up standard sedimentation profiles; Strengthening the research of gleying marsh inland and its recent process and evidence derived from sedimentation profile; Enlarging geography fields and comparing between spatial and temporal research, and enforcing regional short timescale and highresolution environmental change; Paying much more attention on correlations between watershed environment and information derived from marsh sedimentary records and especially on their controlling mechanism.
the ground of the article synopsis introduced wetly, artificial marsh of general situation.discuss the artificial marsh constucts with modern water environment in city and emphasized to introduce hun south artificial in sun city marsh the eco-system is in water environment in city and ecosystem environment the construction of function and position, explain artificial marsh in alleviate the water resources in city the strain and the decontamination environment in the city of don't can act for of function, thus argument artificial marsh the eco-system is the conclusion that a kind of ecosystem means necessarily will develop a huge function in the modern city to the conversion progress of the ecosystem city.
The study on the profile distribution and accumulation characteristics of organic carbon and total nitrogen in two typical marsh es in Sanjiang Plain showed that on the sediment profiles of Carex lasiocarpa marsh and Phragmites communis marsh , there existed distinct deposition horizon and illuviation horizon.
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湖边的浅滩则长满许多水生植物,可说是草原湿地(Marsh). 这里不仅为野鸭,如绿头鸭(Mallard)、加拿大雁(Canada Geese)、央鸡(Rail)、以及大蓝鹭(Great Blue Heron)的觅食地,草丛间也常传出鹪鹩(Wren)与歌雀(Sparrow)的歌声.
特徵是有排水不良的矿物质土壤,植物以树木占优势,并以此而同大部分由草类植物组成的草本沼泽(marsh)相区别. 广泛分布於全世界,发育於排水不良、水分充足而使土地保持淹涝状态的地区. 沼泽的水中含有大量矿物质,
marsh:玛希, 法国, 来自草木丛生的地区
Marlon 马伦 法国 指像小鹰或猎鹰的人. | Marsh 玛希 法国 来自草木丛生的地区. | Marshall 马歇尔 英国 看守马的人,君王的跟随者.
Salt Marsh:盐田
玉器雕刻工房(Jade Carver's Studio)把玉石(Jade)加工成玉器,玉器通常作为坟陵的陪葬品、出口的主要物资和贡品. 玉石只能通过贸易进口得到. 6:盐井(Salt Mine)需要建在盐田(Salt Marsh)上,在盐田上开采出盐.
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