market segmentation
- market segmentation的基本解释
[经] 市场分割, 市场划分
- 相似词
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The contents of the course include: what operating system are, what they do, how they are designed, and where they came from; a general history and explanations of computer system, and some discussion on hardware and the relation between operating system and other software; concept of process, process states and process control block, process queue, management of processes; concepts of sequent programming and parallel programming, process synchronization and its application, process communication; scheduling level and job state transition, job scheduling, process scheduling, and methods for scheduling; deadlock and its necessary conditions, deadlock prevention, control and recovery of deadlock; fixed partition, multiple partition and replacement partition memory management, swapping and overlays; page, segmentation and segmentation with paging storage management, basic concept of virtual memory management, and page, segmentation and segmentation with paging memory management.
With a background of heated gold investment, most new passionate investors came into the market without simply understanding the gold investment. This made many investors lost their capital when first stepped into the market. In addition, many gold exchange types are specialized in enlarging guarantee sum. Compared with investment in stock market, investors who invested in types characterized in enlarging guarantee sum would likely to face more risks and challenges. Those risks could enlarge investors' one-year loss in stock market to one-day loss in gold market. Nowadays, Chinese gold market can be differentiated into material gold market, paper gold market, in-stock gold and future gold market. Because of the enlarging system in international gold market, investors may lose to the bottom in one day if he or she chose a guarantee sum dealer with an highly enlarging system. Of course, this is an ultimate example. In gold market, the type with the least risk is material gold, such as gold memorative silver coin, material piece of gold and gold brick. Material gold investment enjoyed its popularity among middle or large cities located in the middle and eastern part of China.
With a background of heated gold investment, most new passionate investors came into the market without simply understanding the gold investment. This made many investors lost their capital when first stepped into the market. In addition, many gold exchange types are specialized in enlarging guarantee sum. Compared with investment in stock market, investors who invested in types characterized in enlarging guarantee sum would likely to face more risks and challenges. Those risks could enlarge investors' one-year loss in stock market to one-day loss in gold market. Nowadays, Chinese gold market can be differentiated into material gold market, paper gold market, in-stock gold and future gold market. Because of the enlarging system in international gold market, investors may lose to the bottom in one day if he or she chose a guarantee sum dealer with an highly enlarging system. Of course, this is an ultimate example. In gold market, the type with the least risk is material gold, such as gold memorative silver coin, material piece of gold and gold brick. Material gold investment enjoyed its popularity among middle or large cities located in the middle and eastern part of China.
- 更多网络解释 与market segmentation相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
market segmentation:市场分割
我国当前由体制性扭曲导致国内市场扭曲的突出表现形式为国内市场分割(market segmentation),国内市场一体化程度差. 国内市场分割又可以分为所有制偏好的制度性分割和地方保护主义的地方市场分割. 所有制偏好的制度性分割是指的由计划体制遗留下来的,
market segmentation:市场细分
传统的市场营销理论把这种方法叫"市场细分"(Market Segmentation),即寻找市场空缺. 想成功地发动侧翼战,必须抢占细分市场,否则,就变成了向严密防守的劲敌发动纯粹的进攻战. 奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)曾在高档汽车市场向凯迪拉克(Cadillac)发动侧翼战,
market segmentation:市场划分
定义消费者群体的过程也被称为市场划分(Market Segmentation). 分销渠道(Distribution Channels):即公司用来接触消费者的各种途径. 这里阐述了公司如何开拓市场. 它涉及到公司的市场和分销策略. 客户关系(Customer Relationships):即公司同其消费者群体之间所建立的联系.
market segmentation:市场细分化
市场细分化(Market segmentation) 是美国市场学家温德尔.史密斯(Wendell R.Smith)在20世纪50年代提出来的. 这一概念提出来以后,在经济学界产生了广泛的影响,特别是受到了工商企业界的重视. 它的出现丰富了市场营销理论,已成为市场营销理论的重要组成部分,
Demographic Market segmentation:市场的人口学细分
Demand-side determinant 需求方决定的 | Demographic Market segmentation 市场的人口学细分 | Demographic structures 人口学结构
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