英语人>词典>英汉 : market economy的中文,翻译,解释,例句
market economy的中文,翻译,解释,例句

market economy

market economy的基本解释


更多 网络例句 与market economy相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the basis of formal chapters' analysis, learning from foreign countries' successful experience in circular economy's legislation, considering our own legislation practice in developing circular economy, the main framework of our country's circular economy's legal institutions' construction is put forward as follows, the guidance thought of the circular economy's legal institutions' construction is the concept of scientific development and the thought of sustainable development; the 3R principle, the principle of following the ecological rules, the principle of giving priority to precautions, the principle of the contaminator paying are the basic principles of the circular economy's legal institutions' construction; the field of the natural resources' exploitation and utilization, the field of manufacturing industry and service trades, the field of disposing waste and changing waste into resources, the field of the exploiting and utilizing energy, and the field of social consumption are the key fields of the circular economy's legal institution's construction; the circular economy's legal system is constructed from four levels, the basic laws, the principle laws, the comprehensive laws and the special laws; The following circular economy's legal institutions are made, the institution of circular economy's planning, the institution of green economy's accounting, the institution of scientific and technological information's titles, the institution of economic encouragement, the institution of market allowance, the institution of listing the names' who set good example in developing circular economy, the institution of forcing those enterprises with heavy pollution into developing circular economy, the institution of green consumption, the institution of the public's participation, the institution of sharing the responsibility, and the institution of evaluating the circular economy's results.


The being-established of socialist market economy system bothreflects that the necessary claiming of the economic social conditions inthe present China and the correct choice done by C.P.C after summarizing theexperiences and chide of history.The socialist market economy is thehistorical sublation to the capitalist market economy and represents thefuture of the market economy.The development of socialist market economyembodies the inevitable history trend of the mankind pursuing thecivilization and evolution.The practice of the socialist market economy willbe open a new way for the underdeveloped socialist countries to accomplishtheir modernization and provides a mode for the developed capitalistcountries to sublate the abuse inside their capitalist institute.


With a background of heated gold investment, most new passionate investors came into the market without simply understanding the gold investment. This made many investors lost their capital when first stepped into the market. In addition, many gold exchange types are specialized in enlarging guarantee sum. Compared with investment in stock market, investors who invested in types characterized in enlarging guarantee sum would likely to face more risks and challenges. Those risks could enlarge investors' one-year loss in stock market to one-day loss in gold market. Nowadays, Chinese gold market can be differentiated into material gold market, paper gold market, in-stock gold and future gold market. Because of the enlarging system in international gold market, investors may lose to the bottom in one day if he or she chose a guarantee sum dealer with an highly enlarging system. Of course, this is an ultimate example. In gold market, the type with the least risk is material gold, such as gold memorative silver coin, material piece of gold and gold brick. Material gold investment enjoyed its popularity among middle or large cities located in the middle and eastern part of China.


更多网络解释 与market economy相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

market economy:市场经济

市场经济的基本特征 市场经济(Market economy)时代最基本的特征是,工业取代农业占据了社会经济的主导地位,市场营销成为最普遍的经营形式,由此导致社会经济各个方面发生了一系列深刻的变化:

market economy:经济

事关重要, 益使我觉得有为之一说的必要, 姑且在这儿尝试着用最通俗的语言, 以"哈兰学会(Heartland Institute) 来贯串反"地球暖化论"跟"市场经济(Market Economy)"这两个大题目.我将在另一篇文字里, 再跟大家介绍一下那推动"市场经济"盘根错节的组织跟它们的影响,

market economy:市场

转型:circular economy | 市场:Market economy | 经济:economy system

market economy:出国探索经济

债务 liabilities | 出国探索经济 market economy | 合并 merger

socialist market economy:社会主义市场经济

1992年邓小平南巡,自此确立中国大陆朝向社会主义市场经济(socialist Market economy)的改革目标;1998年第九届全国人民代表大会议通过>,它表述要「建立适合社会主义市场经济的行政管理体制」;

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