英语人>词典>英汉 : manslaughter的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

manslaughter ['mæn,slɔ:tə]


杀人, 一般杀人罪, 过失杀人罪

n. murder · killing · assassination · elimination · homicide
Legal / 法律 [179]

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更多 网络例句 与manslaughter相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is reported, domestic and international safe industry examines to reducing the quality of poison software,"Manslaughter is led " it is a main index, because reduce the loss that the manslaughter of poisonous software brings to the user, the likelihood is more poisonous than malign disease more very.


The English criminal statistics give separate figures for murders known to the police, but do not distinguish between negligent and non-negligent manslaughter. The combined annual figures for both murder and manslaughter (negligent as well as non-negligent) in England and in Wales during 1900-49 were about 8 per million inhabitants, while in the same period in about 2,200 cities in the United States the number of murders and non-negligent manslaughters was about 56 per million. See Royal Commission Report, App. 6, paras.


On the question of the quality or seriousness of breach of the duty , at common law , in the case of involuntary manslaughter , the breach had to amount to more than mere ordinary or simple negligence –gross negligence was essential In Washington.however RCW 9.48 060 (since amended by Laws of 1970 .ch, 49 ,s.2 ) and RCW 9.48 .150 supersede both voluntary and involuntary manslaughter as those crimes were defined at common law .

在普通法中,就违法的性质和严重性而言,过失杀人案听违法程度比仅仅是一般的或者简单的过失要大---必须有严重的过失然而,在华盛顿, RCW 9.48 。060 (自从在1970年被修正以后,见第四十九章、第二节)和 RCW 9.48 150 法规的制定取代了普通法中所定义的非预谋故意杀人和过失杀人罪。

更多网络解释 与manslaughter相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


据了解,莫瑞巳向警方承认,在麦可死前数小时,他给麦可注射了超强 ...东森新闻网消息,流行乐天王麦可杰克森猝死案,据消息人士透露,麦可的私人医生莫瑞最快会在下周三被捕,并且会在未来两周内依"过失杀人"(manslaughter)罪名被起诉.




其中的两个主谋以过失杀人罪(manslaughter)被判决2年. 并且在法庭上当这些歹徒得知判决结果后"露出了得意的微笑". 对那位年仅41岁,正值人生辉煌岁月的博士,他的冤魂何以昭雪. 留给他妻子和女儿的,除了痛失亲人的悲痛,同时是对澳大利亚法律的失望.


不过此效果只让被告脱逃一级或二级的谋杀责任, 而难逃带著轻刑的一般杀人罪 (manslaughter). 若要获判完全无罪, 被告的认知必需合理 (reasonable) 而不夸张. 这一项条件若附和, 也就成为所谓完整的自卫辩解.

voluntary manslaughter:故意杀人

.非预谋杀人罪:主要有非预谋故意杀人(voluntary manslaughter)和过失杀人(involuntary manslaughter)两种类型. 前者是指被告人在因受强烈刺激而产生盛怒的心理状态下所实行的杀人,其典型形式为"激情杀人";后者又分为"过失杀人"与"轻罪-非谋杀"两种. (来源:法律出版社)

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