英语人>词典>英汉 : make efforts in的中文,翻译,解释,例句
make efforts in的中文,翻译,解释,例句

make efforts in

make efforts in的基本解释


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In order to effectively prevent from and strike down crimes, Chinese criminology research in the 21st century should make efforts in the following ways: further strengthening the research on basic theories of criminology so as to supply the decision-making body with the high quality research accomplishments; deepening the monographic study on the problems of crime so as to serve the practice of fighting against crime; improving the approach to research on criminological theories so as to enhanc...

为了更加有效地预防和打击犯罪,2 1世纪的中国犯罪学研究应当做到:进一步加强犯罪问题基础理论研究,为决策层提供高质量的科研成果;深入开展有关犯罪问题的专题研究,为与犯罪作斗争的实践服务;改进犯罪学理论研究的方法,提高犯罪学理论研究的深度与实用性。

To ensure the public interest, in our opinion, compared with simply restraining the influence of NPO in the domain of public decision, it is preferred to face the contradicting interests objectively and make efforts in collaborating, balancing, and conforming them.


Based on a survey on legislators' assistants and a content analysis upon Legislative gazettes, this paper shows that the relationship of these two categories of behavior is not necessarily negative. That is to say, the legislators who make efforts in the Legislative Yuan may not necessarily ignore the constituencies. On the contrary, the legislators who make efforts in the constituencies may not necessarily ignore the activities in the Legislative Yuan.


更多网络解释与make efforts in相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Good progress was made in efforts to make China more innovative:创新型国家建设进展良好

区域发展协调性增强development among regions... | 创新型国家建设进展良好Good progress was made in efforts to make China more innovative | 自主创新能力较大提高considerable improvement in the country's ca...

in the brink of prize ring:在拳击场边缘的地方

开始努力奋斗,在深谷中央 begin to make arduous efforts in deep valley | 在拳击场边缘的地方 in the brink of prize ring | 我凝视着原野里的高粱 i stare at the broomcorn in the field

unremitting efforts:锐意进取

有利于社会需求,普遍服务: meet social demand, realize universal service | 锐意进取: unremitting efforts | 长足发展: make great headway in