英语人>词典>英汉 : macropterous的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

macropterous [mæ'krɔptərəs]


[动]有长翅的, 有大翅的, 有长鳍的, 有大鳍的

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The indrect flight muscles in macropterous nymphs developed rapidly while those in the brachypterous were suppressed after this critical period.


The cross section of the mesothoracic dorsal longitudinal muscle in macropterous adult was 29 times of that in brachypterous adult, while the cross section of the mesothoracic dorsal longitudinal muscle in the brachypterous was only doublled from the critical period to audlt.


Total RNA was substracted from the 5th insar nymphs of both macropterous and brachypterous strains The actin gene mRNAs were divided into three groups when reverse transcribed into cDNAs.


Fragments from the 239th to the 944th nucleotide of the coding regions of all actin mRNAs were amplified with two actin specific primers. Fragments from the 239th nucleotide of the coding region to the end of actin mRNAs were also amplified The electrophoresis results were compared between the macropterous and brachypterous brown planthoppers.


Wing bud differentiation initiated at the early 5th nymphal instar, during which the front wing bud cells in the macropterous proliferated much more rapidly than those in the brachypterous. The hinder wing buds of the brachypterous degeneratd at middle 5th instar and finally turned out to be very little wings.


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macropsia 视物显大症 | macropterous 大翅的 | macroquake 宏震

macropterous form:大翅型;長翅型

macroplankton 大型浮游生物 | macropterous form 大翅型;長翅型 | macroscopic 巨觀的;肉眼可見的