英语人>词典>英汉 : macle的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

macle ['mækl]


双晶, 斑点

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Quite obviously family planning has so far macle little progress.


As a Chinese, we are proud of; as the descendants of the Dragon, we are proud of, regardless of Shenzhou V and Shenzhou VI is, the interpretation of "Made in China" Macle in china Shenzhou VI from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center launch site from where they stand To the beautiful curves in the air of a successful interpretation of the "Made in China", which is China's hi-tech technology has made a positive response.

作为中国人,我们感到骄傲;作为龙的传人,我们感到自豪,不管是神五,还是神六,都演绎了"中国制造"Macle in china 神舟六号从酒泉卫星发射中心发射场拔地而起,以漂亮的曲线在空中成功的演绎了"中国制造",这对我国的高科技技术作了一个肯定的答复。

People who spend more time thinking about their possible selves,the livesthey might be leading if they had macle different decisions,are 46 percent lesssatisfied with their career decisions than people who do not spend much timeimagining what might be different.


This variety is called "Chiastolite"(named after the Greek word for cross) and sometimes referred to in ancient texts as "Lapis Crucifer", meaning "Cross Stone" or "Macle".


"Father of the Commercial Olympics",the American,Peter. Ueberroth (1937-),net only has he Successfully organred and planned the twenty-third Olympic Games in Los Angeles by taking different kinds of commercial measures and created a new history of holding the Olympics that has macle a profit instead of twening into profit,Suffering a loss but also he has opened a new epoch of the Olympics'commercialization.And he provided theoriotical accumulation and practical expenence for the starting and development of the commercial Olympics. All these have made him an commercial person of great inflnence in the development of the Olympic games.


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machineprinting机啤花 | macle双晶 | macleodgage麦克劳计


mackintosh 橡皮布 | macle 斑点 | macrame 花边


短喙螈 Euryodus | 短空晶石;双晶 macle | 短线;线影 hachure


machinist机械师、钳工、机工 | macle双晶、孪晶 | macroscopical force宏观力

Macle will pass away:(污点将被掩盖)

Yarn to the night(只对着黑夜讲述) | Macle will pass away(污点将被掩盖) | Ab to the starting point(回到最初的起点)