英语人>词典>英汉 : lorimer的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

lorimer ['lɔ:rimə]



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Nonetheless, he reported it, and it went on a list of candidates for West Virginia University astronomers Maura McLaughlin and Duncan Lorimer to re-examine, scheduling new observations of the region of sky from which the pulse came.

不过,他报告说,现在,它继续在西弗吉尼亚大学的天文学家候选人名单玛芙拉 McLaughlin 和邓肯洛里默重新审查,安排了新的观测天空区域从该脉冲来。

It involves a nuanced and not a mechanical approach, as Mummery J emphasised in Hall v Lorimer in a passage approved by the English Court of Appeal


Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son by George Horace Lorimer (143 pages) Perhaps this book was a big hit when it first appeared in 1902, but it is preachy and unquaintly old-fashioned to the contemporary reader.


We're planning to step on the gas: GEICO's marketing expenditures this year will top $100 million, up 50% from 1997. Our market share today is only 3%, a level of penetration that should increase dramatically in the next decade. The auto insurance industry is huge -- it does about $115 billion of volume annually -- and there are tens of millions of drivers who would save substantial money by switching to us. In the 1995 report, I described the enormous debt that you and I owe to Lorimer Davidson.

不过盖可 1998 年的承保获利很可能会下滑,但是保单数量应该还会继续成长,我们已准备好加紧油门,盖可保险今年预计的行销费用将突破一亿美元的大关,这数字比起 1997 年要增加 50%以上,截至目前为止,我们的市场占有率约为 3%,预计在未来的十年内还会大幅增加,整个汽车保险市场的大饼相当可观,每年约有 1,150 亿美元的市场胃纳量,预估将有上千万的驾驶人因为将保单转移到我们这边而节省相当可观的保费。

You've said Peter Lorimer falls when no one touches him.

你说过 皮特·罗林姆在无人触碰他的情况下摔倒

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lorikeet 鹦鹉 | lorimer 马具工匠 | loris 懒猴属

lorimer:麦克奎恩 亨特 劳瑞莫 克拉克

My captain.|我的队长 | McQueen, Hunter, Lorimer, Clarke.|麦克奎恩 亨特 劳瑞莫 克拉克 | Jordan, Giles and Gray.|乔顿 吉艾斯 格雷


更多關於 lorimer | 星座: Virgo | 學校(其他): tpos...

Peter Lorimer:彼德.洛里默

8.哈里.凯维尔Harry Kewell | 9.彼德.洛里默Peter Lorimer | 10.保罗.利尼Paul Reaney

G. Lorimer:教授, 曼彻斯特科技大学, 英国

Z.-K. Liu 教授, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 美国 | G. Lorimer 教授, 曼彻斯特科技大学, 英国 | A. Luo 博士, 通用汽车公司, 美国

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