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logic gate的中文,翻译,解释,例句

logic gate

logic gate的基本解释


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This is exactly what happens in a conventional logic gate as well.


A type of logic gate which uses AND logic.


Each particle in the system acts like the logic gate of a computer.


The output of an AND logic gate would consider the first and second input.


A gate is a logic circuit that has at least two input and one output.


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更多网络解释与logic gate相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

logic gate:逻辑门

在数位讯号处理上最主要的成功来CMOS逻辑电路的发明,这种结构最大的好处是理论上不会有静态的功率损耗,只有在逻辑门(logic gate)的切换动作时才有电流通过.

logic gate:逻辑闸

钱次已成功地应用了他的理论,来达到上述目的. 数位电路是用来执行大型且重要的逻辑运算,广泛应用在计算机、电脑、电话、以及当今大多数电子产品中. 数位电路是从数位逻辑闸(logic gate)的组合所衍生出来的,而且输出的数值通常只为0或1.

logic gate:辑门

13、binary logic: 二元逻辑 1、计算机系统中用来对二元变量进行逻辑操作(logic operation)的电子部件. 这种部件由逻辑门(logic gate)和逻辑电路(logic circuit)组成. 2、实现上述逻辑操作的方法和原理.

logic gate:逻辑闩

log uniform distribution 对数均等分配 | logic gate 逻辑闩 | logical construction of program (LCP) 程式逻辑架构法

gaas logic gate:砷化镓逻辑门

gaas laser diode 砷化镓激光二极管 | gaas logic gate 砷化镓逻辑门 | gage 压力计

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