liquidambar ['likwid,æmbə]
- liquidambar的基本解释
[植] 胶皮糖香树, 胶皮糖香液
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- Liquidambar
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It was found that there were some differences between the amplified bands of Liquidambar formosana which grew in the place of the altitudes from 100 m to 300 m and in the place of the higher altitudes from 400 m to 700 m, while there was no obvious difference among the amplified bands of Liquidambar formosana's samples (3 samples were from shade conditions and 3 from sunlight conditions) which were from the same altitude (710 m).
结果发现:生长於海拔100~300 m的枫香的扩增谱带与生长於高海拔(400~700 m)的略有差异,而在相同海拔(710 m)的3个阴性条件样品和3个阳性条件样品间,其扩增谱带没有明显差异。
Thus it indicated that the growing conditions had some effects on the genetic substance of Liquidambar formosana trees when they grew in the conditions of a low altitude for a long time, and when they grew in the conditions with or without sunlight at an altitude of 700 m, although a significant difference occured in the growth of Liquidambar formosana, no obvious difference was found in genetic substance.
这说明长期低海拔的生长环境对枫香的遗传物质有一定的影响,然而在710 m海拔的不同光照条件下,虽然枫香生长表现出巨大差异,但在遗传物质方面却没有发现明显差别。
To investigate the genetic differences between the Liquidambar formosana populations at different altitudes and in the same light conditions in Wuzhi Mountain of Hainan, the samples of Liquidambar formosana at 7 altitude levels and the 6 samples (among which, there were 3 samples from shade conditions and 3 from sunlight conditions) from the same altitude (700 m) were made a study in molecular biology by RAPD method, with 50 random primes in use.
为了解五指山不同海拔下枫香居群之间的遗传差异,用50个随机引物,应用随机扩增多态性DNA方法,分别对7个海拔梯度、相同光照条件下的枫香样品和710 m海拔高度的6个枫香样品(3个阴性条件样品和3个阳性条件样品)进行了分子生态学研究。
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据已有资料,被子植物的许多科起源古老,如中生代侏罗纪出现的樟属(Cinnamomun)、槭属(Acer)、榕属(Ficus)、枫香属(Liquidambar)、朴属、楤木属、葡萄属等. 第三纪渐新世出现的南五味子属、盐肤木属;晚第三纪出现的省沽油属、黄杨属、勾儿茶属、无患子属、野茉莉属、花椒属、卫矛属等.
liquid-fueled 用液体燃料推进 | liquidambar 胶皮糖香树 | liquidate 清算
liquidaluminiumglobule 液态铝珠 | liquidambar 枫香树香脂 | liquidambarformosanaslice 枫香片
"液泡追踪法","liquid-bubble tracer" | "枫","Liquidambar" | "液性指数","liquidity index"
Liquidambar formosana:枫香
枫香:( Liquidambar formosana)枫香属于金缕梅科,枫香属. 枫香是一种落叶性大乔木,植株高大壮硕,树皮灰黑,分枝很多,叶子具有长柄,叶身呈菱型,通常三裂,偶尔五裂或四裂,裂片细锯齿缘. 枫香在亚热带地区,台湾自海拔100-1500公尺地带都有大量枫香树生长着,
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