lenticellate [,lenti'selit]
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Branchlets of current year sturdy, lenticellate, glabrous. Petiole ca. 3 cm, base ca. 4 mm thick; leaf blade elliptic to ovate-elliptic, 25-30 × 8-10 cm, leathery, concolorous, abaxially covered with minute scalelike trichomes, base broadly cuneate and symmetric, margin entire, apex acute and oblique; secondary veins 12-16 on each side of midvein, adaxially slightly impressed, abruptly curving apically, obscure near margin; tertiary veins subparallel.
坚决,具皮孔的当年小枝,glabrcircaPetiole circcircam,繁茂的基础约4毫米;叶片椭圆形到卵状椭圆形,25-30 * 8-10厘米,两面同色,背面为小鳞片状毛覆盖,基部宽楔形,对称,全缘,先端锐尖、偏斜;次脉每边12-16,正面稍凹陷,顶部突弯,边缘不明显;支脉近平行。
Branches not lenticellate; leaf blade base cuneate.
Trunk to 4 cm in diam.; branches dark gray, densely lenticellate, branchlets reddish brown.
- 更多网络解释 与lenticellate相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
lenticel 皮孔 | lenticellate 产皮孔的 | lenticular 透镜的