英语人>词典>英汉 : leg-raising的中文,翻译,解释,例句




更多网络例句与leg-raising相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Exp: How do you feel about the return of 1980s styles like leg warmers?

妳对现在的时尚回归1980年代的风格,例如leg warmers,有什么看法呢?

Euler method, single step method and one-leg multistep method are considered as maily numerical computation schemes.


Peg Leg O'Boil : Peg Leg O'Boil is a regular visitor to the fortress on Javasu.

中文意思: Peg Leg O'Boil是Javasu岛城堡的常客。

更多网络解释与leg-raising相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

air-leg diamond drill:气腿式金刚石钻机

air-leg drill 气腿式钻机 | air-leg diamond drill 气腿式金刚石钻机 | air-leg rock drill 气腿式凿岩机

downwind leg:顺风赛程

58. 迎风赛程:windward leg | 59. 顺风赛程:downwind leg | 60. 侧[横]风赛程:reaching leg

Elephantiasis of leg; Barbados leg; Cochin-leg; Crural elephantiasis:小腿象皮病; 足象皮病; 象足

Elephantiasis of hand; Manual elephantiasi... | Elephantiasis of leg; Barbados leg; Cochin-leg; Crural elephantiasis 小腿象皮病; 足象皮病; 象足 | Elephantiasis of mamma; Mammary elephantiasis 乳腺象皮病...