英语人>词典>英汉 : leap second的中文,翻译,解释,例句
leap second的中文,翻译,解释,例句

leap second

leap second的基本解释


leap second所属的单词分类
Time / 时间 [145]

pendulum clock · geologic time · galactic year · analog clock · Zulu time · UTC · IDL · Coordinated Universal Time · pocket watch · clock face

更多网络例句与leap second相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The next leap second comes at the end of this year.


The application of a large number of steel products is the second leap in civil engineering.


It can bring the second leap of Sun god's group


This period might be described as the extension of the first leap and preparations for the second.


Deng Xiaoping Theory is the Marxism of the second historic leap in the theoretical result.


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更多网络解释与leap second相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

leap second:闰秒

由于地球自转速度经常发生变化,而国际原子时TAI则相对不会发生变化,所以当世界协调时UTC和国际原子时TAI之间出现细微差距时,为确保该差距不会超过0.9秒,会在世界协调时UTC内加上1秒,这一技术措施就称为"闰秒"(leap second).

positive leap second:正闰秒

positive latex 阳电荷胶乳 | positive leap second 正闰秒 | positive lens 正透镜,凸透镜

negative leap second:负闰秒

negative hydrogen ion 负氢离子 | negative leap second 负闰秒 | negative lens 负透镜

leap second adjustment:闰秒调整

leap second 闰秒 | leap second adjustment 闰秒调整 | leap-frog fashion 跳蛙式排水

2006 Postponed by One Leap Second:2006年迟到一闰秒 李同良/注 无

200602 Not Enough Jobs to Go Around 大学生求职难 唐建国/编注 无 4 | 200602 2006 Postponed by One Leap Second 2006年迟到一闰秒 李同良/注 无 7 | 200602 Sean Penn 肖恩.佩恩 董淑欣/编注 无 10

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