英语人>词典>英汉 : lay的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,反义词,相关词组,拼写相似词汇

lay [lei]

第三人称单数:[lays]  动词过去式:[laid]  过去分词:[laid]  现在分词:[laying]  

[变形] lie的动词过去式


铺设, 布置, 放置, 平息, 产, 提出

  • The proposal was laid before the committee.
  • 建议被提交委员会讨论。
  • The city was laid in ruins.
  • 这城市成了废墟。
  • The hen laid three eggs.
  • 母鸡下了三个蛋。
  • Will you please lay the table for dinner?
  • 请你摆好餐具准备吃饭好吗?

下蛋, 打赌


世俗的, 外行的


位置, 层, 隐藏处



v. arrange · rest · place · put · lie · set · deposit
n. ballad
adj. ecclesiastical
vt. raise
lay on:涂抹, 猛攻, 加...于人
lay off:解雇, 停止工作, 休息
lay about:流浪汉
更多 网络例句 与lay相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

3At first discharge port, lay time shall be commenced at 13:00 if Notice of Readiness is tendered before noon and at 8:00 next day if NOR is given in the afternoon. Time lost in waiting for berth hall be counted as lay time. Time used for shifting the vessel from place of stoppage, lay-by berthto discharge berth, and lighterage/lightening shall be counted as lay time. At second discharge port/lay time shall be commenced to count immediately upon vessel arrival.


A little after Noon I found the Sea very calm, and the Tyde ebb'd so far out, that I could come within a Quarter of a Mile of the Ship; and here I found a fresh renewing of my Grief, for I saw evidently, that if we had kept on board, we had been all safe, that is to say, we had all got safe on Shore, and I had not been so miserable as to be left entirely destitute of all Comfort and Company, as I now was; this forc'd Tears from my Eyes again, but as there was little Relief in that, I resolv'd, if possible, to get to the Ship, so I pull'd off my Clothes, for the Weather was hot to Extremity, and took the Water, but when I came to the Ship, my Difficulty was still greater to know how to get on board, for as she lay a ground, and high out of the Water, there was nothing within my Reach to lay hold of; I swam round her twice, and the second Time I spy'd a small Piece of a Rope, which I wonder'd I did not see at first, hang down by the Fore-Chains so low, as that with great Difficulty I got hold of it, and by the help of that Rope, got up into the Forecastle of the Ship; here I found that the Ship was bulg'd, and had a great deal of Water in her Hold, but that she lay so on the Side of a Bank of hard Sand, or rather Earth, that her Stern lay lifted up upon the Bank, and her Head low almost to the Water; by this Means all her Quarter was free, and all that was in that Part was dry; for you may be sure my first Work was to search and to see what was spoil'd and what was free; and first I found that all the Ship's Provisions were dry and untouch'd by the Water, and being very well dispos'd to eat, I went to the Bread-room and fill'd my Pockets with Bisket, and eat it as I went about other things, for I had no time to lose; I also found some Rum in the great Cabbin, of which I took a large Dram, and which I had indeed need enough of to spirit me for what was before me: Now I wanted nothing but a Boat to furnish my self with many things which I forsaw would be very necessary to me.


Through studying the landscape planning and design of the lakeside traveling vacation area,educed the following conclusion: 1st, Ecological consciousness should permeate the development and construction of landscape;basic frame of landscape planning and design in lakefront traveling vacation area: Setting upecological consciousness→establishing the principles of landscape planning and design→theconcept lay: Position analysis, planning orientation→the planning lay: Landscape type analysis, landscape pattern analysis, ecology condign analysis→the design lay: Protection ecologydesign, compensating ecology design, compatible ecology design→establish ecological landscape 2nd, combining the protection first principle with landscape planning and design In planning lay, applying the protection first principle and land utilization "10% principle", plansthe artificial landscape and the management landscape.

通过对滨湖旅游度假区景观规划设计的研究,得出如下的结论: 1、生态意识应贯穿景观开发建设的始终:滨湖旅游度假区景观规划设计的基本框架:生态意识的树立→滨湖景观规划设计原则的确立→概念层面:区位的分析、规划定位→规划层面:景观类型分析、景观格局分析、生态适宜性分析→设计层面:保护性生态设计、补偿性生态设计、适应性生态设计→生态景观的建立。

更多网络解释 与lay相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


同~ay 串记:日期(day)对,快乐(gay)给.射线(ray)锐,干草(hay)黑.放(lay)要垒,付(pay)要赔.海湾(bay)在北,问路(way)喊喂.说话(say)是谁?可以(may)才美--末 尾字均为相应单词谐音.同 b~d 串记:投标(bid)一张发芽(bud)的坏(bad)床(bed).


首领(chief)奴仆(serf)两相望,谁说他们没信仰(belief),证据(proof)就在手帕上(handkerchief) 以及lie(说谎), lie(躺)lay(产卵)三个动词的变化:规则的说谎(lie-lied-lied)不规则的躺(lie-lay-lain),躺下(lay)就下蛋,下蛋的不规




导线结构的影响主要归因于绞合方式尤其是绞线束的层(LAY). TIGHTER LAY IMPROVES DIMENSIONAL RIGIDITY. 端子和导体的界面镀层. 在较大的作用力下,当导体滑入IDC槽中最终位置时,导体的变形和磨损导致膜破损,由经验知,

lay out:布置

设计人员人人都做总布置,做部件布置(Lay out)人更多. 部件布置工作做得很细,因此局部结构很精细,产品档次高. (1)在建立整车三维参数化图形库、整车车型参数数据库、整车设计标准库的基础上,通过Pro/ENGINEER软件进行二次开发,

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