英语人>词典>英汉 : laughter-loving的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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And laughter-loving Venus answered, Proud Diomed, the son of Tydeus, wounded me because I was bearing my dear son Aeneas, whom I love best of all mankind, out of the fight.


Harmonia was daughter to Mars and the laughter-loving Venus.


She was descended, through both parents, from the gods; for her mother Harmonia was daughter to Mars and the laughter-loving Venus.


Rachel originally was a laughter-loving girl, but I will laugh to the kind of astonished laughter, this is actually feel a bit like a person, and she is Ting Chu.


" Thereon laughter-loving Venus said,"I cannot and must not refuse you, for you sleep in the arms of Jove who is our king.

& 听罢这番话,爱笑的阿芙罗底忒答道:&我不会,也不能不明智地回绝你的要求;你,你能躺在宙斯的怀里,而他是最有力的神主。

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更多网络解释与laughter-loving相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then she tickled me into a burst of laughter:然后,她用手指轻轻地触我,痒得我发出一阵大笑

I heard sounds of laughter in the next room. 我听见隔壁房间... | Then she tickled me into a burst of laughter. 然后,她用手指轻轻地触我,痒得我发出一阵大笑. | Their laughter made him angry. 他们的笑声使...

burst into laughter:突然大笑

burst into laughter 突然大笑 | crack a smile 展颜微笑,莞尔一笑 | explode with laughter 哄堂大笑

Homeric laughter:放声大笑起来

被公认为, 突然大笑起来,burst into laughter | 放声大笑起来,homeric laughter | 取笑、嘲笑,laugh at