英语人>词典>英汉 : latter-day saint的中文,翻译,解释,例句
latter-day saint的中文,翻译,解释,例句

latter-day saint

latter-day saint的基本解释


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As Jansenism was elaborated in France, especially by Jansen's friend Jean Duvergier de Hauranne, the abbot of Saint - Cyran, and by the latter's protege Antoine Arnauld, it also entailed an austere form of piety and a rigorously puritanical morality.

由於詹森主义是在法国的阐述,特别是詹森的朋友让Duvergier德Hauranne的住持圣-C yran,以及后者的门徒安托万阿尔诺,但它也带来了严峻形式的虔诚和严格的清教徒道德。

Athanasius or not, and most probably it cannot, it undoubtedly owes it existence to Athanasian influences, for the expressions and doctrinal colouring exhibit too marked a correspondence, in subject-matter and in phraseology, with the literature of the latter half of the fourth century and especially with the writings of the saint, to be merely accidental.


His treatment of the latter was enough to make a fiend of a saint.
