latent ['leitnt]
- latent的基本解释
隐藏的, 潜伏性的, 潜在的, 潜伏的
隐约的指印, 隐约指纹
- 相似词
- latent的同义词
- adj. underlying · covered · hidden
- 相关歌词
- A Token Of My Extreme
- Dionysian Urge
- God Save The Queen
- Muscle In Plastic
- The Bewlay Brothers
- Poet Laureate Infinity Vocal 3
- 更多 网络例句 与latent相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
In Wistar rats, latent period of a-wave in scotopic rod response after 1-week transplantation was shorten (P.05); and latent period of a-wave in scotopic rod response after 2-week transplantation was prolonged (P.05); while latent period of b-wave in scotopic maximum response after 1-week transplantation was shorten (P.05). In RCS rats, amplitude of a-wave in scotopic rod response and photopic response after 4-week transplantation was increased (PO.05); while latent period of a-wave in scotopic rod response after 4-week transplantation was shorten (PO.05).Conclusion 1. At the age of 3 months, photoreceptors of the RCS rat degenerated completely, which leaded to the reduction of amplitudes of a-wave and b-wave.
Latent ease show as to crooking Song latent ease culture the inherit and developments of thoughts, and at latent ideas formal to take shape promptly at first by culture in Han dynasty, It is the greatest contribution of latent ease of this period.
By studying latent moral education carrier construction, it can be advantageous to the worker of moral education to improve self-conscious usage of latent moral education carrier, can right use and develop latent moral education carriers aggressive factor and make the work of colleges and universities moral education well , carry out moral education from the infusion type to leading type change and preachment type to permeate change, stir up the student to accept educational can motility, activity and creativity, let student with equal mindset amusedly choice to accept various right information, and active change into own thought and act of demand, improve the prescription of moral education, grasp the active power of the work under the new situation.
- 更多网络解释 与latent相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
SEM是一门整合过去所有的直线统计模式(linear statistical model)分析技术的新兴方法学,适用於处理多元的(multiple)、潜在的(latent)、因果的(cause-effect)线性关系之探究与资料分析的问题情境,
当然随著受伤的严重度不同,有时触痛点可能潜伏(latent)未徵候而微不足道. 根据Jerome的临床经验,尿道症候群患者的长期病史会有断断续续的频尿急尿症状进展到伴随骨盆疼痛. Schmidt和Vapnek的报告指出,直接施压於骨盆肌肉,
latent heat:潜热
蒸发及冷凝时液态和汽态互变之间所需的热能量称之为潜热(Latent heat). 举一个实际例子来看,当一个盛有液体的容器逐渐受热时,容器中液体的温度逐渐升高. 如果容器继续受热,至靠近容器表面的液体温度超过沸点时,
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