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latency time的中文,翻译,解释,例句

latency time

latency time的基本解释


更多网络例句与latency time相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Intravaginal ejaculatory latency time was recorded to evaluate the outcome of PE treatment.


And the memory operating frequency, as well as there are three options related to: CAS Latency, RAS to CAS Delay and RAS Precharge Time.

与内存的工作频率以及相关的有三个选项:CAS Latency、RAS to CAS Delay和RAS Precharge Time。

According to statistic, the longest latency time with sustainable user is 90 seconds about, if your homepage cannot be in this paragraph to be transmitted inside time and show,end, probable he turns around can ruthlessly leave, when use picture, use general browser to all compress graphical format supportably as far as possible.


更多网络解释与latency time相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

latency time:等待时间

(DLL)、网络层(NWK)和应用编程接口(API)规范,并负责MAC层安全套件(Security Suites)基于以下三种操制有两种:无信标(Beacon)模络(Cluster tree network)和网状网(Mesh network)等待时间(Latency Time)和低数据速率的性质,它非常络.

latency time:延迟时间

对於磁碟机来说,存取时间等於找寻资料时间 (seek time)、延迟时间(latency time) 和读取时间 (read time) 的总和. 找寻时间是指作业系统根据应用程式的请求,根据档案配置表 (FAT) 找到档案所在的磁碟位置,进一步算出档案所在的磁轨和磁区.

latency time:潜伏时间

第一次突发之后,需要经历的滞后时间叫做"潜伏时间"(Latency time). 在这个时间内,会发出RAS和CAS信号. DDR SGRAM和DDR SDRAM颗粒采用的都是双数据率(DDR)架构,以提高数据的吞吐速度. 从技术角度说,DDR是一种"2n预取"架构. 通过特殊设计的接口,