英语人>词典>英汉 : large building的中文,翻译,解释,例句
large building的中文,翻译,解释,例句

large building

large building的基本解释

大厦, 大型建筑

更多网络例句与large building相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Facer consults for a large building firm.


Making a large building into a Faraday cage involves encasing the building in a thin layer of conductive material or metal mesh.


The main contents and results of research in this paper are shown as following: It is important to built the motion model of a virtual system. As the virtual object is the submarine in this simulation system, we studied on the motion model of the submarine and gave the submarine six DOF space motion equation MultiGen-Paradigm corporation's modeling software named Creator is used, the modeling of all entities and 3D terrain in virtual ocean environment is accomplished. Then introduced the theory of Large Area Database Management and realized the Large area database management; In the course of 3D scene simulation, Vega is utilized to develop the project. The building of 3D scene is done, which includes the simulation of static and dynamic ocean surface, realization of ocean wave, simulation of bow wave and stern wake, utilization of lighting and material, simulation of cloud and fog, kinematics' modeling of submarine etc.

论文的主要研究工作和成果包括以下一些内容:建立虚拟对象的运动模型是构造一个虚拟系统的关键所在,建立的运动模型准确与否直接关系仿真对象模拟的逼真度,由于本仿真系统的虚拟对象是潜艇,所以对潜艇的运动模型进行了研究,给出潜艇空间六自由度运动方程;利用MultiGen-Paradigm公司的Creator建模软件完成虚拟海洋环境中个实体模型建模和三维海底地形模型的建模;然后介绍了大地形数据库管理(LADBM,Large Area Database Management)技术的基本原理,实现大地形数据库管理;在三维场景仿真中,使用Vega驱动软件进行软件开发,完成了三维场景空间的建立,主要包括动态和静态海洋的仿真、海浪、船首波浪和传尾尾迹的实现,灯光和材质的使用,云和雾的模拟等。

更多网络解释与large building相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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