英语人>词典>英汉 : labor的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,反义词,拼写相似词汇

labor ['leibə]

第三人称单数:[labors]  动词过去式:[labored]  过去分词:[labored]  现在分词:[laboring]  

劳动, 工作, 努力, 劳工, 分娩

  • All wealth comes ultimately from human labor.
  • 一切财富归根到底来源于人类的劳动。
  • He is satisfied with your labors.
  • 他对你干的活儿很满意。

劳动, 苦干, 努力

  • The editor labored over the manuscript till early morning.
  • 编辑辛辛苦苦修改稿件直到清晨。
  • She labored ten years on that book.
  • 那本书她足足写了十年。
  • The train labored up the hill.
  • 火车艰难地向山坡上行驶。

详细分析, 麻烦, 使厌烦

v. moil · toil · drudge · overdo · work · labour
n. travail · toil · employment · labour · effort · proletariat · undertaking · work · task · industry · job
vi. relax · rest · respite
Business / 商务 [280]

win-win  ·  username  ·  prime rate  ·  mouse pad  ·  economy of scale  ·  cold call  ·  bottom line  ·  purchase order  ·  log-in  ·  sales tax

更多 网络例句 与labor相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Marx philosophy, on the one hand, from the viewpoint of difference between man and nature, category of labor is the essence of human being or free conscious activities, consequently ,labor of people are inherency ;On the other hand ,from the viewpoint of the relation between human and nature, labor has the characteristic of externalism, namely individual takes labor as the method which makes a living, and does not regards the labor itself as the goal or the essence of him, thus labor is also external in individual ,this is the meaning of labor externalism .It has manifested human's natural attribute .


In Marx philosophy, on the one hand, from the viewpoint of difference between man and nature, category of labor is the essence of human being or free conscious activities, consequently ,labor of people are inherency ;On the other hand ,from the viewpoint of the relation between human and nature, labor has the characteristic of externalism, namely individual takes labor as the method which makes a living, and does not regards the labor itself as the goal or the essence of him, thus labor is also external in individual ,this is the meaning of labor externalism .


We must understand that, along with development of science-technology and growth of labor productivity, the factors consisted in labor process are constantly diversified, and the category of labor had outstretch from the labor of producing material goods to include theservice labor that provides service goods, the science-technological labor that renovates techniques or knowledge, and the managerial labor.

中篇 劳动与价值简要地回顾一下劳动价值论的发展历史,我们可以看出,马克思的劳动价值论较之以往的理论有了更科学的理论基础和丰富的现实材料,这就是马克思劳动价值论的三块理论基石和资本主义商品经济的充分发展。因此,本文认为,马克思对劳动价值论的贡献不仅在于科学地区分了价值和使用价值的概念并赋予其科学的含义,同时分析了商品的二重属性正是来源于劳动的二重性,并把劳动价值论建立在劳动本质论、劳动二重性理论和劳动形态理论基础之上,使得劳动价值论有了坚实的理论基础。

更多网络解释 与labor相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"劳动"(Labor)与"工作"(work)之间的区别由于太显而易见,反而被人们忽略了. 我要提的这两者之间的差异有点与众不同. 我们看到在漫长的人类历史长河中,几乎很难发现有只字片语(无论在前现代社会传统的政治思想中,


本文中采用的translog函数形式很好的克服了以上问题,首先,translog成本函数的要素替代弹性不一定为单位弹性,而且没有给函数形式上预先假定要素替代弹性的固定模式,增加了函数的灵活性;其次,可以对translogS移动公司 人工(Labor)


文明IV的政府(就是你)可以一共在政体(Government),法律(Legal),劳工(Labor),经济(Economy),宗教信仰(Religion)5个方面做出决策. 而每个方面随着科技的发展都有5个选项可供玩家选择. 每次在任何一个方面做出任何更改都会导致革命(所有就一次多改几项这样只引起一次革命),



labor force:劳动力

一场自然灾难毁坏了一个国家一半的资本(capital),劳动力(labor force)没有损失.在这场灾难前,经济处于稳定状态(steady-state).运用图来解释经济会因此发生怎样的变化.假设S=20%, 折旧率= 10% 人口增长率=5%.

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