英语人>词典>英汉 : kettle lake的中文,翻译,解释,例句
kettle lake的中文,翻译,解释,例句

kettle lake

kettle lake的基本解释


更多网络例句与kettle lake相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the opposite side of the lake stood a splendid , brightly-lit castle, from whence resounded the joyous music of trumpets and kettle-drums.


On the opposite side of the lake stood a splendid, brightly-lit castle, from whence resounded the joyous music of trumpet s and kettle-drums.


A kettle is a steep-sided, usually basin- or bowl-shaped hole or depression without surface drainage in glacial-drift deposits, often containing a lake or swamp, and believed to have formed by the melting of a large, detached block of stagnant ice (left behind by a retreating glacier) that had been wholly or partly buried in the glacial drift.

锅穴是指边缘陡峭的盆形或碗状孔洞或凹陷,在冰碛沉积物表面没有水系,通常包围着湖泊或沼泽。通常认为是冰川退缩过程中停滞于冰川沉积物中的巨大冰块融化而形成的,一般10-15米深,直径达30-150米。在加拿大平原地区有很多第四纪冰川退缩所形成的锅穴湖泊就用 kettle lake 表示。

更多网络解释与kettle lake相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

kettle lake:锅状湖

kettle hole drainage pattern 锅穴水系 | kettle lake 锅状湖 | kettle 水壶

kettle lake:冰壶湖

"冰壶洞","kettle hole" | "冰壶湖","kettle lake" | "冰壶碛","kettle moraine"

kettle lake:锅形湖

kettle hole ==> 锅形陷洞,锅穴,壶穴 | kettle lake ==> 锅形湖 | kettle moraine ==> 锅形冰碛