英语人>词典>英汉 : keawe的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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These statues and dozens of others stand sentry over the Hale o Keawe temple, a sacred place where the bones of 23 Hawaiian chiefs once rested.

这些雕像和十二个其他的站岗越过那健壮的o Keawe庙宇,一个宗教的地方那里有23个尸骨是夏威夷人的酋长曾经安息。

These statues and dozens of others stand sentry over the Hale o Keawe temple, a sacred place where the bones of 23 Hawaiian chiefs once rested.


These statues and dozens of others stand sentry over the Hale o Keawe temple, a sacred place where the bones of 23 Hawaiian chiefs once rested.

跟其他许多的雕像一样,他们看守着一个23位夏威夷酋长安息的神圣之地-Hale o Keawe神殿。