英语人>词典>英汉 : just because of的中文,翻译,解释,例句
just because of的中文,翻译,解释,例句

just because of

just because of的基本解释

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Perhaps just because of his ferity and ardor you chose him; perhaps just because he told you on those days he would go all over the world with you, you chose him; perhaps just because you knew each other in journeys, and had identicaltaste, so got together; perhaps


It's just like though I know I will get a headache when I imbibes vast quantities of coffee, but just because you prefer coffee, you love every moment that coffee brings to you, just because your "2 cups of coffee makes everything better",I will make a black coffee and sip it with a slight frown.

3楼比如,我喝多了咖啡会头痛,但是因为你喜欢咖啡,喜欢咖啡带给你的每一个瞬间,因为&2 cups of coffee makes everything better&,我习惯地去泡一杯不加糖的咖啡,轻轻皱着眉头抿下去,这样每一次的皱眉,都会想到你。

Not just because of the utter paucity of thinking, life, truth and honesty that typifies the Zhang Jiehais of today's China, nor just that if he is any representative of the Academy of Sciences then China is doomed, but also because in calling for a witch-hunt he calls for ugliness and hatred, he calls for fascism, he calls for ignorance.


更多网络解释与just because of相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

just because, just because:只因为,只因为

There is no peace not born of love 没有爱就没有和平 | just because, just because 只因为,只因为 | I'm riding home on the wings of a dove 我困在家中不知所措

Just because of that:因为

却让人承受种种磨难 But let people tolerate great many hardships | 因为 Just because of that-- | 磨难是通往天堂的梯子 Suffering is the ladder that leads to heaven

just because of eying foot too very carefully:只是因为太小心翼翼的注视脚下

Can not find to come to the road of hour, 找不到... | just because of eying foot too very carefully. 只是因为太小心翼翼的注视脚下 | Then the wandering soul wild crane stands still the memory river孤魂野...