jib [dʒib]
- jib的基本解释
船首三角帆, 铁臂
- As the boat approached we could see its jib more clearly.
- 船开过来时,我们可以更清楚地看到船头的三角帆。
移转, 踌躇不前, 停止不动
- My horse jibbed before the pond.
- 我的马在水塘前逡巡不前。
- He never jibbed at hard work.
- 他总是乐于做艰苦的工作。
- 相似词
- jib所属的单词分类
Boat / 船
ski boat · shrimp boat · jet boat · drydock · cruise ship · boat lift · amphibious vehicle · PFD · PT boat · motor launch
- 更多 网络例句 与jib相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Head, crane operation with fixed fly jib, crane operation with luffing fly jib, crane Superlift operation with main boom, crane Superlift operation with fixed fly jib, and crane Superlift operation with luffing fly jib.
QUY600 QUY800 该系列产品最显著的特征是带超起工况。具有主臂重型臂工况、主臂轻型臂工况、固定副臂工况、塔式副臂工况,以及超起主臂工况、超起固定副臂工况、超起塔式副臂工况。
This article mainly includes: taking lowest weight as optimization goal, criterionrequest as restrict, optimization programme on jib arm structure of giant floatingcrane design is written based on genetic algorithm;according to jib arm structure ofgiant floating crane which is being designed and other former ones, size and structureform of jib arm are deeply discussed, furthermore, relatively reasonable jib armstructure scheme is proposed.
A large jib used on a racing yacht.One of two spars or booms projecting from the side of a bowsprit for spreading the jib or flying-jib guys.
- 更多网络解释 与jib相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
它们首先加装在桅间的支索上,稍后则像艏三角帆(jib)一般也出现在船艏斜桅的支索上. 支索上密密麻麻的转帆索、帆缘索与艏斜桅上桅的出现使得加装支索帆变得相当困难,不过到下个世纪末为止,支索帆已经占据了船上所有可用的支索.
有前帆(jib)的帆船操作训练中, 有一科目叫heave-to, 可以让船停在水中不动, 动作如下:3. 当船完成tacking后, 将舵柄(tiller)往下风处(leeward)推, 绑好. 若是有舵轮的船, 就向顶风处转, 固定住需要用极大的力量拉尾舵,
国内电建普遍使用的塔式工况履带式起重机--主臂+变幅副臂(luffing jib)在印尼几乎找不到,印尼的履带式起重机配备的副臂(jib)一般为固定副臂(fixed jib).
代理有限公司 上海(PVG) 索马里上海辉悦国际货物运输代理有限公司 上海(PVG) 津巴布韦上海辉悦国际货物运输代理有限公司 上海(PVG) 沙特阿拉伯上海辉悦国际货物运输代理有限公司 上海(PVG) 吉布提(JIB)上海辉悦国际货物运
jib:abbr. joint intelligence bureau; 联合情报局
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