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古时土耳其苏丹的禁卫军, 土耳其兵, 亲信, 爪牙
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When Osman planned a pilgrimage to Mecca through Anatolia, the Janissaries and the sipahi officers gathered at the Hippodrome and then plundered palaces.
He had numerous governors, Janissaries, and officials arrested and executed for bribery and malfeasance.
他曾多次省长, Janissaries ,官员被逮捕和处决贿赂和渎职行为。
Janissaries,'Yeni ceri', meaning new soldier in Greek are made up of prisoners of war and non Muslims.
加里沙里军团,原称为&Yeni ceri&,在希腊语中意为新军,由战争中掳掠和俘虏来的人和非穆斯林人员组成。
Janissaries,'Yeni ceri', meaning new soldier in Greek are corps that belong to the Sultan and are made up of captives and non-Muslims from within the Ottoman Empire.
加里沙里军团,原称为&Yeni ceri&,在希腊语中意为新军,他们是苏丹的直属部队,由战俘和奥斯曼帝国境内的非穆斯林人组成。
Janissaries,'Yeni ceri', meaning new soldier in Greek are recruited by a levy of Christian boys within the empire, and trained from a young age.
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作者凭著对袖珍画及16世纪伊斯坦布尔生活的熟知,很能轻易地吸引读者沉醉於已逝的奥图曼帝国的苏丹(Sultans)、帝国大臣(viziers)、军政高官(pashas) 、苏非派大师(hojas)、禁卫军 (janissaries) 以及袖珍画师(miniaturists)的光辉历史中,
3.耶尼切亚近卫军(Janissaries):奥斯曼帝国军队中最有名气的自然是大名鼎鼎的耶尼切亚军团,也被称为"新军". 其组建方式是从基督教村落里面挑选7到10岁的儿童,送到军营里面进行10年的严格训练而成. 理论上不要求他们皈依伊斯兰教(这里多谢mars大人的指正,
Jameson Raid詹姆遜突擊 | Janissaries堅尼撒力 | Jansenists詹生派信徒
Royal Janissaries:皇家禁卫军
Janissaries禁卫军 | Royal Janissaries皇家禁卫军 | Highlanders苏格兰高地步兵
Royal Janissaries:皇家近卫军
Janissaries 近卫军 | Royal Janissaries 皇家近卫军 | Highlanders 高地兵
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