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E〓 is endowed with a new metric D, such that becomes a complete metric space. After that a locally convex complete pseudonormed space is constructed. Finally, E〓 is embedded into isometrically, and isomorphically.
An embedding theorem ofL(〓,〓 which isometrically embeds L(〓,〓 into concrete Banach space〓[0,1] is obtained.
Simons [30] proved the non-existence theorem for stable integral current in acompact Riemannian submanifold isometrically immersed into a unit sphere andvanishing theorem for homology groups. In 1984, Y. L. Xin [47] generalized theLawson-Simon\'s nonexistence theorem for stable integral current and vanishingtheorem for homology groups to the case of compact submanifolds in Euclideanspace, and gave several important applications.