英语人>词典>英汉 : iso-pentane的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[化] 异戊烷

更多网络例句与iso-pentane相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ISO/TC 176 is working with the IAF (International Accreditation Forum) and ISO/CASCO (the ISO Policy Committee for Conformity Assessment) in order to provide relevant information in a timely manner.

这是您们和认证机构之间的一个基本问题。ISO 和 IAF已经协商一致,公布了一个过渡时间的公报?ISO/CASCO 负责编写认证工作标准(ISO/IEC 17021),认可机构负责监视和批准该认可机构管辖范围内的认证机构来执行。

RESULTS: Compared with NS control group, the ratio of HW/BW, LVW/BW and the content of hydroxyproline, AngⅡ, MDA and iNOS activity in the left ventricle were significantly increased. The cNOS, SOD, GSH-Px activities and NO content were obriously decreased in the ISO model group. After treatment with PNS, the left ventricular NO content, cNOS, SOD and GSH-Px activities were markedly higher than those in ISO model group. The content of MDA, AngⅡ and iNOS activities and the ratio of HW/BW, LVI were significantly lower than those in ISO model group.


ISO with HAL additively enhanced -aminobutyricacid type A receptors function as did all of the following:HAL with chloroform, pentobarbital with ISO, and flunitrazepamwith ISO.

ISO + HAL 和以下组合( HAL +氯仿、戊巴比妥+ ISO 、氟硝西泮+ ISO )一样,呈累加性地增强-氨基丁酸 A 型受体功能。

更多网络解释与iso-pentane相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Iso Only:仅显示Iso线

Iso Curve Iso曲线 | Iso Only仅显示Iso线 | Isolate Object's Layer隔离物体层

V Iso Curve:(垂直Iso曲線)

11_U Iso Curve(水平Iso曲線) | 12_V Iso Curve(垂直Iso曲線) | 13_Normal Projected Curve(法線映射曲線)

Create V Iso Curve:创建V Iso曲线

Create Vector Projected Curve创建矢量投影曲线 | Create V Iso Curve创建V Iso曲线 | Create 1-Rail Sweep创建1-围栏