英语人>词典>英汉 : ion engine的中文,翻译,解释,例句
ion engine的中文,翻译,解释,例句

ion engine

ion engine的基本解释

[电] 离子引擎

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Glowing in the cosmos at a distance of about 50 million light-years away, the galaxy NGC 936 bears a striking resemblance to the Twin Ion Engine starfighters used by the evil Dark Lord Darth Vader and his crew in the epic motion picture Star Wars.

NGC 936位于离我们约5000万光年的宇宙深处,它呈现为一个显著的特征,就像著名的《星球大战》系列中黑勋爵达斯。

In this Paper, both theoretical and expenimental investigations about the power distribution and control system of a xenon ion rocket engine are described.


This article tries to give readers an elementary impression of the interaction of spacecraft and plasma (space plasma and plasma produced by the ion rocket engine) in a simple way, it also gives some advice to those who design spacecraft.


The ion nitriding of the diesel engine crankshafts was tested.


A particular highlight in engine management is ion flow technology serving to detect the risk of the engine knocking as well as mis-firing and mis-combustion.


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